Sound Waves
What is Sound? Sound is caused by a vibration of atoms in pulses. Each sound wave pulses with a certain frequency. The vibration pulse causes areas of compressions and rarefactions in the atoms of the medium. Sound is a longitudinal /compressional wave, which is a type of mechanical wave. Sound waves can be caused by transverse waves such as those produced when you pluck or strum a guitar string. The energy in the transverse wave is transferred into a longitudinal wave; each crest creates an area of compression in the air around the string.
Anatomy of a Sound Wave
Properties and Observations Speed Wavelength Frequency Amplitude Pitch Loudess
Speed of Sound Sound waves travel the best in solids and worst in air. The closer together the atoms are, the faster the sound will travel. Sound will not travel in a vacuum, such as space because there is no matter/medium for the wave to vibrate.
Pitch Pitch is determined by frequency. The higher the frequency the higher the pitch. Each pitch as a set frequency therefore to change pitch one must change wavelength or speed.
Loudness Loudness is a result of amplitude of the sound wave. The more energy you put into the sound wave the higher the amplitude and the louder the sound. The high the amplitude the louder the sound. This is why amplifiers make sound louder.
Relationships Between Wave Properties SpeedWavelengthFrequencyPitchAmplitudeLoudness
Wavelength and Frequency Since speed is controlled by the medium the wave is travelling through: When the speed is constant (no change in medium) in order for pitch to change the frequency must change, in order to change frequency the wavelength must change. ▫As wavelength increases frequency decreases, which causes pitch to decrease. ▫As wavelength decreases frequency increases, which causes pitch to increase.
Medium and Frequency When the medium in which the wave is travelling changes the speed changes. When the speed changes the wavelength and frequency change inversely and create a different pitch. tensiondiameterfrequencypitch