Peter Hull With thanks to LVR March 2012
Screws Plates Nails External fixators
Head Stops screw sinking in bone Connection to screw driver ? Locking screw, locks head into plate Shaft Core, Partial or fully threaded Thread Shape Depth Pitch Tip Blunt Self tapping
Cortical Cancellous Partially threaded Headless Locking Fixed angle Variable angle
Normal screw Drill core Measure (Tap) Countersink Insert screw
Lag screw Over drill near cortex Gliding hole (thread diameter) Drill core diameter Measure (Tap) Countersink Insert screw
Compression screw Anchor plate Eccentric drill Repeat
Achieve compression via Variable pitch in the thread Examples Herbert screw Barouk screw Acutrak / Acutrak 2
1/3 rd tubular Reconstruction plate Dynamic Compression Plate – DCP Low Contact Dynamic Compression Plate – LCDCP Locking Compression Plate – LCP Special plates Pre contoured, anatomic, injury specific
Solid Hollow, cannulated Reamed Un reamed Titanium elastic nails (TENS) Bending rigidity proportional to diameter 4 Increasing diameter by 10% increases bending rigidity by 50% Reaming allows increased torsional resistance due to larger contact area and allows larger nail with increased rigidity and strength
Monolateral frame Hybrid Ilizarov frame