Red Apple Inc Communication Skills Narrator led session..
Table Of Contents : Learning aims. Introduction to Communication. Need for Communication. Types of Communication Verbal communication Non -Verbal communication Quiz. Narrator led session..
Learning aims On completion of this learning module you will be able to understand : The principles of effective communication sub divided as Verbal & Non Verbal Understand how communication can be improved leading to a better understanding of any subject in question. Learning Aims Narrator led session..
Communication Introduction What lies at the core of any exchange be it ideas, ideologies or execution is a strong communication system, during the course of this module find out for yourself what communication comprises of & how can you, effectively tweak your nascent ability to communicate effectively You can find out what service users, carers or other professionals are thinking & feeling Provide the kind of information others need Interpret complex situations accurately Negotiate, mediate & intervene sensitively, authoritatively & appropriately Narrator led session..
‘I try to tell my team to execute a task within a time frame however they don’t seem to listen’ ‘I tried explaining to the vendor that he needs to make the deliveries on time otherwise my restaurant orders suffer’ ‘Mabel needs to understand that her team needs attention on their quality scores however she is unable to get the desired results’ Communication Introduction Read some of the experiences of ineffective communication below: Narrator led session..
Before we understand the breakdown of communication lets understand why do we need to communicate Communication Need Communication knowledge is a development by which in order is exchanged between or amid individuals through a common system of cipher, signs, & behaviour. People communicate to satisfy needs in both their effort & non-work lives. People want to be heard, to be respected & to be wanted. They also want to accomplish tasks & to attain goals. Hence a major point of communication is to help people feel good in relation to themselves & about their friends, groups, & organizations. For effective communication, there ought to be a transmission of thoughts, ideas & feelings beginning one mind to another. Communication is a process with the purpose that allows people to exchange information by one of more than a few methods. Narrator led session..
Communication can be broken down into basic components as Verbal Communication which broadly means communicating through sound, words, speaking, & language and - Nonverbal communication which is usually understood as the process of communication through sending & receiving wordless messages. i.e, language is not the only source of communication, examples of such are pitch, speed, tone & volume of voice, non-verbal nods, gestures & facial expressions, body posture, stance & proximity to the listener, eye movements & contact, & dress & appearance. Lets move on to see how each of these components look when examined closely Components of Communication Now that we understand the need to communicate lets have a look & see, what components constitute effective Communication Narrator led session..
Verbal communication is explained as series of expressive thoughts & perceptions described through word symbols defining a language. The Linguistic experts divide verbal communication into components such as: Encoding which is the process wherein a speaker attempts to frame thoughts and perceptions into words (e.g., someone saying to the person next to her, “Boy, it’s stuffy in here”) & Decoding which is defined as the process wherein the message is translated, dissected, analyzed, and interpreted by the listener (e.g. The person hearing this thinks, “Yeah, the room does smell rather stale’). Verbal communication Narrator led session..
During the encoding and the decoding process, some thoughts can get lost in translation, which leads to misunderstanding, confusion, and stress. Therefore it is understood that Verbal Communication addresses stimuli received through the sense of hearing. Now lets move on and have a look at and understand what is Non Verbal Communication. Verbal communication Narrator led session..
Nonverbal communication(s) - is described as any form of communication that does not involve words. Simply put no words used and as listed earlier examples include Pitch, speed, tone & volume of voice, gestures & facial expressions, body posture, stance & proximity to the listener, eye movements & contact, dress & appearance. That is why nonverbal communication is multi-channeled, which means it addresses all senses, unlike verbal communication which stimulates the sense of hearing only. Nonverbal communication is not only indirect, but often unconscious. Here is a fact 93% of all Communication.. is non verbal Non -Verbal communication Narrator led session..
Lets check our understanding of the communication process so far - 1.Nonverbal communication is not only indirect, but often conscious. (True/False) 2.Body Language is an example of Non-Verbal Communication. (True/False) 3.Verbal Communication is Multi Channeled. (True/False) 4.Of all communication, non verbal is allocated - 9.3%. 93.2%. 93%. Depends on the communication. Quiz… (Radio Buttons for all answer’s prompting the next question) Narrator led session..