Shades of Grey Suzy Jagger Challenging students in the area of Cyber-ethics
A computer can seriously damage your health…. New & highly sophisticated opportunities for crime New & highly sophisticated opportunities for crime Traditional crime can be committed in non-traditional ways Traditional crime can be committed in non-traditional ways Difficulty of detection Difficulty of detection The Criminal Justice system cannot keep pace with technology and is limited by geographical boundaries The Criminal Justice system cannot keep pace with technology and is limited by geographical boundaries The Data Protection Act, virtually impossible to practically enforce (33 prosecutions in the UK in 2003) The Data Protection Act, virtually impossible to practically enforce (33 prosecutions in the UK in 2003) Threat to national security, child pornography, computer intrusion and fraud, are issues that we all take seriously Threat to national security, child pornography, computer intrusion and fraud, are issues that we all take seriously The theft of intellectual property, increased plagiarism in universities. The theft of intellectual property, increased plagiarism in universities.
Wall Street Journal 11 th Jan 2005 “Spirituality Matters on the Job” More Business Schools in the US are looking at the concept of spirituality: More Business Schools in the US are looking at the concept of spirituality: It was taboo for so many years to talk about worker’s “spirituality”. But people are suffering by not being able to address that part of themselves and lead a more integrated life.” Dr. Thierry Pauchant, HEC Montreal Business School.
Wall Street Journal 11 th Jan 2005 “Spirituality Matters on the Job” “Work hours are so gruelling these days that if you don’t love what you do, you are in hell. You need the work you do to express your values and be of benefit to the larger society”. Srikumar Rao, Columbia University Business School “Work hours are so gruelling these days that if you don’t love what you do, you are in hell. You need the work you do to express your values and be of benefit to the larger society”. Srikumar Rao, Columbia University Business School
How can we educate students to look at these issues? Codes of Conduct Codes of Conduct What can we do as educators? What can we do as educators?
Enter the Undergraduate Worn out from A Levels and learning by rote Worn out from A Levels and learning by rote On the cusp of their career On the cusp of their career Ready to…..??!! Ready to…..??!! The Challenge The Challenge The Solution The Solution How can this be done effectively? How can this be done effectively?
3D Method to Learning “It matters not what we have learned. What we can do with what we have learned; this is the issue… let us not judge our students on what they know… Rather let them be judged on what they can generate from what they know – how well they can leap the barrier from learning to thinking” Bruner (1961) “It matters not what we have learned. What we can do with what we have learned; this is the issue… let us not judge our students on what they know… Rather let them be judged on what they can generate from what they know – how well they can leap the barrier from learning to thinking” Bruner (1961) … and from thinking to behaviour where attitudes are the filter to ensure correct decisions and choices are made. … and from thinking to behaviour where attitudes are the filter to ensure correct decisions and choices are made.
Debate Essentials in Practice Linked to assessment Linked to assessment Supported by strong knowledge base Supported by strong knowledge base Strong structural approach Strong structural approach Individually marked but working in groups Individually marked but working in groups Topics chosen/supported by students but students to do not choose their “side”. Topics chosen/supported by students but students to do not choose their “side”. Incentive to win the debate Incentive to win the debate
Some Topics Chosen “This house believes that the simulation of violent acts in computer games is psychologically harmful to children, promoting anti-social behavior.” “This house believes that the simulation of violent acts in computer games is psychologically harmful to children, promoting anti-social behavior.” “This house believes Napster was a great Internet innovation, not a cyberspace pirate” “This house believes Napster was a great Internet innovation, not a cyberspace pirate” “This house believes hacking should be considered a crime only if it causes harm” “This house believes hacking should be considered a crime only if it causes harm” “This house believes that the creation of robots capable of human emotions, sensations and feelings is morally unethical.” “This house believes that the creation of robots capable of human emotions, sensations and feelings is morally unethical.” “This house believes that the introduction of identity cards, as planned by the UK government, violates the rights of an individual to personal freedom and privacy” “This house believes that the introduction of identity cards, as planned by the UK government, violates the rights of an individual to personal freedom and privacy”
Questionnaires and Discussions Anonymous questionnaires before and after Anonymous questionnaires before and after Further discussions with students Further discussions with students Discussions with students over the years following the course Discussions with students over the years following the course
Comments from Students “ Before the debate I was completely indifferent to the issue. Now I am definitely opposed to Internet censorship. I think that we often take our freedom of speech in this country for granted, and it is only when you stop to think about it that you realise how valuable it is.” “ Before the debate I was completely indifferent to the issue. Now I am definitely opposed to Internet censorship. I think that we often take our freedom of speech in this country for granted, and it is only when you stop to think about it that you realise how valuable it is.”
Comments from Students “Before starting my studies in PI, I had not looked at this issue with any concern. I would have preferred to be on the other side debating. Having a look at this particular issue in this way has totally opened my eyes to a new way of unblinkered thinking.” “Before starting my studies in PI, I had not looked at this issue with any concern. I would have preferred to be on the other side debating. Having a look at this particular issue in this way has totally opened my eyes to a new way of unblinkered thinking.”
Comments from Students “Before I started the work on this debate I was definitely for the motion that it was a great innovation but as I delved deeper into the inner workings of Napster and the peer to peer technology used in its worldwide usage, I found out how illegal it was. My view of Napster has changed in the few weeks of working on this project” “Before I started the work on this debate I was definitely for the motion that it was a great innovation but as I delved deeper into the inner workings of Napster and the peer to peer technology used in its worldwide usage, I found out how illegal it was. My view of Napster has changed in the few weeks of working on this project”
A Path to Discovery The application of appropriate collaborative teaching techniques appears to be useful in helping students develop their own critical thinking skills The application of appropriate collaborative teaching techniques appears to be useful in helping students develop their own critical thinking skills The application of these methods in the area of Computer Ethics, will hopefully lead to stronger ethical frameworks being established. The application of these methods in the area of Computer Ethics, will hopefully lead to stronger ethical frameworks being established.