LANGUAGE FOCUS-Word study PREFIX NON- MeaningForm Other negative prefixesNOTE
MEANING Example: Pop music, in contrast, usually refers to a nonclassical type of music emerging in the early 1900s. Non- : is a negative prefix which expresses the lacking, not having a particular quality or action. HOME MEANING FORM Other Prefixes
FORM + noun + adjective + adverb Non- nonpayment… Ex: He was taken to court for nonpayment of rent. nonalcoholic, nonfat, nonrefundable, nonprofit, nonnegotiable, nonviolent… Ex: Can I have something nonalcoholic? nonchalantly, nonstop… Ex: We flew nonstop from New York to Paris. HOME MEANING FORM Other Prefixes
Some of the other negative prefixes PrefixesExamples dis-dishonest, dislike, disable il (+ l)illegal, illiberal im ( +m; p)immature, impolite, impossible inindependent, invisible, indifferent ir (+ r)irregular, irresponsible ununcomfortable, unload, unkind HOME MEANING FORM Other Prefixes
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