Hanoi, March 2012
To enhance and strengthen API’s members capacity. To advocate Agrarian Reform and Food Security, and to facilitate the members to have law protection. To develop appropriate technology in rural through technology transfer which gathered via various information sources. To engage production management dan market access.
API is a national peasant organization whose members are from districts and provinces. API’a members covers 49 districts of 14 provinces. The total number of members are persons (men and women each are persons)
The Income of API’s members is still low. The weakness of peasants’ bargaining position and commodity value chain that develpoed by API’s members. The lack of knowledge and learning center on how collective marketing and the strengthening of peasant organization. Government Purchasing Price of Rice and Rice in Husk. Government policy related to climate change. Government policy on price flexibility. The government’s Rice Importation Policy.
By 2013 API is : to see organized family farmers, male and female, successfully influencing public and private decision makers to make decisions in their favor, using the successful evidences with sustainable agricultural market chains API become peasant organisasi that strong and selfsufficient, able to facilitate peasants’ house holds to access economic sources in rural and enhance their bargaining position in commodity value chain have been developed in five respected districts. API become peasant organization that plays role to affect government policy through developing collective marketing and strengthening peasant organization.
Results Research on Government Purchasing Price Research Report titled “The Prospect of the Implementation of Government Purchasing Price with Multiquality and Multilocation approach for rice and rice in husk in Indonesia”.
Results Multi Stakeholders Dialogue (MSD) The participants were key actors of the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Coordinator, BULOG (Logistical Bureau - rice) local and national farmers organizations, and national NGOs. The MSD and research result are considered interesting to the government officials and they will be input to formulate the Government Purchasing Price Policy of The key actors are more understand that API is a peasant organization who is seriously advocate the Government Purchasing Price Policy.
Results Media works, i.e. theatrical action, media briefing, press conference, interviews, etc. API’s campaigns on food issue were published and broadcasted in printed media and electronic media, national and internationl level, such as : - Metro Rialitas (Metro TV) : transgenic seeds campaign. - Kompas Daily : rice breeding and local seed reserved in East Nusa Tenggara Province - Finacial time Asia : interview on rice importation policy. - Kompas TV : the impact of onion importation. API is widely known as peasant organization that has committment on rice issue development, climate change, and agrarian reform.
Results Established a task force on rice monitoring. The establishment of farmers platform to monitor the development of rice price and the Government Purchasing Price Policy at national level. It involved API, HKTI, Wamti, IPPHTI and SPI. The Platform has started cooperation in performing national consultation forum of farmers, and invited the Minister of Agriculture in the forum.
Result Dialogue and lobby the Ministry of Agriculture, The Parliamanet – Commission IV, The Ministry of Trade, Bulog, The Ministry of Economic Coordinator Ekonomi, rice corporation. API’s proposal to the Alternative Government Purchasing Price Policy with Multiquality and Multilocation approach is submitted. It is based on research result.
Results Developing value chain of 5 commodities in 5 districts. Progress of API’s members (APPOLI, SPL and PPJ) start engaging organized collective marketing. The enhancement of value chain of the commodities produced by peasant house holds in 5 peasant organizations. Negotiation with several important buyers to market banana from Lumajang, organic rice from Boyolali, and duku (longen) from Muaro Jambi. Profile of the five commodities.
Results FGDs on: Land right, Food (rice) Price volatility, climate change Understand better about the issues on Land right, food (rice) price volatility, climate change in order to formulate an action plan to do advocacy. The enhance of capacity building of API’s members, especially on condition related to land rights, food price volatility, and climate change.
Results Public Speech at ASEAN Community API’s as AFA members articulated peasant organization’s view on policy making in ASEAN. Delivering message of the important of ASEAN committment about the engagement of Farmers’ organizations in inter- governmental meetings.
Results Training on Rice Seed Breeding 20 participants as peasants representatives have been trained on seed breeding in NTT. 5 new varieties of rice have discovered as a result of local seed breeding in NTT
Result Training on Cooperative Financial Management 20 representatives of API’s members and networks have been trained on financial management system.
Results Training on peasants women organizing. To strengthen the capacity building of peasant women about organization and organizing, in 2 provinces. The establishment of women committee organization of API in 2 provinces (East Java and Central Java).
Results National Consultation and Training of Young Peasants. Inputs from young people about how to strengthen young peasants at union level. The enhancement of capacity of 25 young peasants from several regions about the role of peasants and peasant organization.
Results National Consultation and Business Meeting: Organic Rice Industry, the Opportunity and Challenges. Consultation among small producers, buyers and consumers. It was recognized that there is an obstacle in rice distribution from peasants to consumers. Follow up Plan to further communication among key actors in the value chain.
1. To strengthen the capacity of national secretariat of API and expand the network. 2. On going activity on advocacy of Agrarian Reform. 3. To advocate the Government Purchasing Price Policy of rice 4. To conduct further research related to institutional system in order to support Government Purchasing Price of Multi quality, Multi location, and multi variety approaches. 5. Media works in order to support advocacy activities. 6. To develop discussion, dialogue, and lobby to key actors related to food policy and agrarian reform. 7. To develop value chain of 5 commodities (cocoa, Duku - longens, Organic rice, “Golden Banana”, cassava) 8. To conduct trainings related to the development of human resources of API’s members focused on organizing, seed breeding, developing collective marketing. 9. To facilitate the development of peasant women organization and young peasants. 10. To engage in discyssuins, dialogue in networking related to regional and international issues (ASEAN, WTO, Climate Change)