9:00-9:30Announcements 9:30-10:30Marcy’s Dots Undoing Marcy’s Dots 10:30-10:45Break 10:45-11:15Documenting Algebraic Thinking on ___ 11:15-12:00The Peasant Algorithm 12:00-1:00Lunch
1:00-1:30Peasant Algorithm Discussion 1:30-2:00Looking Back at the Introduction Looking Back at the MTRs 2:00-2:30Evaluations
Explore the connections between algebra learning goals and the three habits of mind. Make links among algebra learning goals, features of the habits of mind, and mathematics tasks that can help document students’ algebraic thinking. Continue to use the A-HOMs as a way to describe and understand algebraic thinking.
Work on Marcy’s Dots and Undoing Marcy’s Dots with your group. You may want to jot down notes about your algebraic thinking or the strategies you use to solve the problem. Post your work.
What would you like to recall about the different strategies and/or solutions used by your colleagues? Record the approaches and strategies you would like to remember. What would you like to recall about the algebraic thinking? Record the specific features of habits of mind that you have seen in the different solutions. What would you like to recall about the different strategies and/or solutions used by your students? Record the mathematical approaches or strategies you would like to remember.
Tasks Postage Stamp Crossing the River Sums of Consecutive Numbers Staircase Problem Carnival Bears Candles Problem Marcy’s Dots/Undoing Marcy’s Dots In your group… Review your assigned task. Identify the Algebraic Habits of Mind in the task. Identify the TEKS addressed in the task. Post your work.
Work with a partner on the Peasant Algorithm. There are four parts to the problem, so monitor your time carefully! You have 45 minutes to work. We are not intending this as a problem for students.
In what ways does the Peasant Algorithm involve algebraic thinking? What features of Abstracting from Computation do you see in your work? In what ways did you explain how the Peasant Algorithm works in Part 4?
Were there ideas that caught your attention— perhaps important ideas or pieces of information—that you didn’t catch the first time? Are there any points that are still particularly confusing to you, or about which you have lingering questions?
One of the main goals of FAT has been to put special attention on mathematical thinking, not just mathematical content. What strikes you about the mathematical thinking you see represented in your MTR’s? Pick a problem from the MRT’s that you will use with your “students”. What do you hope will happen when they work on the problem? What can you do to make your hope come true?
Debbie Hill Henderson State University 1100 Henderson St., Box 7850 Arkadelphia, AR