Tang & Song Dynasties Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty


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Presentation transcript:

Tang & Song Dynasties Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty China Tang & Song Dynasties Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty

Background Han Dynasty collapsed in A.D. 220 Fighting occurred for the next 300 years Sui rulers reunified China Short dynasty (581-618) Built the Grand Canal that connected north and south China Grand Canal Route Grand Canal

Sui & Tang Dynasties

Golden Ages of China Tang & Song dynasties Extended influence into new lands Tried to end corruption Restored civil service system for government positions Applicants had to pass an exam based on Confucianism Candidates for the civil service exam became the scholar-gentry class which replaced the old landed aristocracy as the political and economic elite of Chinese society

Inventions-Song & Tang Dynasties Invention of printing in 700s w/wood blocks Song printers created movable type Gunpowder-first used in fireworks then in guns & cannons Porcelain became important trade item Steel invented 900 years before Europeans, used for swords and farm tools

Golden Ages of China Prosperity Limited power of the wealthy Took land to give to peasants Growing trade  more jobs for merchants & craftspeople Population of cities grew

Tang Dynasty 618-907 Expanded the area of Chinese rule China’s influence spread to Korea, Japan & SE Asia through trade Fall of the Dynasty Peasant unrest of high taxes Emperor overthrown 907 Civil wars followed 960-a Song general declared himself emperor

Song Dynasty 960-1279 Rebels within empire Mongols began invading in 1215

Song Dynasty

Yuan Dynasty 1279, Kublai Khan overthrew the Song Dynasty Declared himself ruler of China Called his dynasty Yuan Allowed conquered Chinese bureaucrats to remain in place at the local level Top level jobs were filled by Mongols Chinese required to pay tribute to Mongol rulers No Chinese could serve in the army

Yuan Dynasty

Kublai Khan Re-established law & order in China Roads were built & revived trade along the Silk Road Marco Polo spent 20 years in China during this period China prospered Was not satisfied with his empire Sent troops to Japan & SE Asia Only conquered Vietnam

Later Yuan Rulers Could not keep peace & order Later emperors were corrupt Peasants angry about high taxes for military campaigns Fall of the Empire In 1368 a monk led an army of peasants against the Mongols Ming Hong Wu established himself emperor of China Started the Ming Dynasty

Ming Dynasty Yong Le took over in 1398 Sent an army to retake Vietnam Great Wall strengthened Built the Imperial City Emperor’s palace & government offices Gardens, courtyards & waterways To show off China’s wealth & power

Ming Dynasty

The Imperial City

Explorations by Zheng He Seven trips to explore SE Asia, India & Arabian Peninsula 1st Voyage 28,000 sailors, merchants & soldiers 62 ships Largest: 440 ft. long & 1500 tons Voyages ended after Yong Le’s death

Why did voyages end? Possibly influence of Confucianism Honored tradition & exploration brought new ideas New ideas would upset tradition Cost may have been too much Ships limited to how far they could travel Chinese decided their ways were best

Ming Dynasty Weakened Declined slowly Final blow Peasant revolt that overthrew the government in 1644 The Manchus Took the opportunity & conquered China Founded the Qing Dynasty

Japan & Korea

Japan Archipelago (chain of many islands) People settled in Japan in 3000 B.C. By A.D. 1st & 2nd c., they were living in clans Farmers & small number of wealthy aristocrats A.D. 500 one clan, Yamato, gained power

Yamato Clan Leader became an emperor & high priest of Shinto Claimed that the emperor descended from the goddess of the sun Emperor worshipped as a god until 1945 Other clans still powerful Yamato ruled only in name by 700s Fujiwara family held real power

Fujiwara Clan Gained power in 2 ways Filled government positions Married into the Imperial family Yamato & Fujiwara clans ignored what was going on in the provinces Wealthy families resisted the government’s centralization Weakened it however they could Resulted in civil wars by the 1100s

Shogunate Rule 1192, Minamoto Yorimoto Ended civil war through alliances & force Kept emperor as figurehead Took title of “shogun” or military commander Real power lay with him New gov’t structure called shogunate Yorimoto’s shogunate was Kamakura Lasted about 140 years Ended after Mongol invasion in 1281 In 1333, it was toppled by the Ashikaga

Shogunate Rule Under the first 2 shogunates, Japan adopted feudalism (system in which nobles offer protection & land in return for service) Connection between shogun & daimyo Daimyos owed the shogun loyalty & service in exchange for land Below daimyos, were their vassals & samurai Soldiers who fought for any daimyo were called ronin Then peasants, farmers & craftworkers At the bottom, merchants (why?)

Comparison of European & Japanese Feudalism

Warrior Classes-Knights & Samurai Similarities: Emphasized loyalty, bravery, and honor Lord-vassal relationship Family lineage important

Differences: Lord-vassal relationship based on moral code in Japan and legal code in Europe Japanese women were encouraged to be tough while the chivalry in Europe put women on a pedestal as fragile, inferior

Japanese Feudal System

Civil War Mid-1400s, civil war broke out between rival daimyos Ashikaga Shogunate lost control In 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu declared himself shogun & founded Tokugawa Shogunate Limited power of daimyo Used a hostage system to achieve their goal Forced the daimyo & their families to live at a royal court in Edo or modern-day Tokyo

Japan’s Changing Economy In 1600s, manufacturing & trade became more important Opening of trade with Europeans Time of peace People could concentrate on making money Little warfare for samurai They became government officials & security guards Peasant farmers continued to suffer Almost 7,000 peasant revolts in 265 years

Korea Strongly influenced by Chinese ideas Han took control in 109 B.C. Ruled by China until 220 Silla Dynasty ruled from 668-918 1231-1350s, ruled over by Mongols Korea under Chinese authority Peace Gained from Chinese culture Adapted Chinese culture to fit their own