The Protestant Reformation
Causes 1.Church is interested in $ - 2.Popes acting as political leaders – 3.Priestly misconduct – 4.Northern Humanists -
Martin Luther German monk who criticized the Catholic Church for losing sight of it’s spiritual mission 95 Theses Challenged indulgences Salvation through the grace of God
Break with the Church Bible as the sole authority Simple interpretation of the bible Ceremony could not make up for sin 1521 Pope Leo X declared Luther a heretic and excommunicated him from the Catholic Church Diet of Worms – Luther refused to recant; no scriptural basis
The Spread of the Printing Press
The Peasant Revolt In reaction to Luther’s ideas and societal demands. Lead by Thomas Müntzer (the professor)
Spread of Protestantism Effects of the Printing Press Luther’s reaction to the Peasant Revolt German Princes at Augsburg 1531 Schmalkaldic League (1531) & War Peace at Augsburg 1555 – German rulers can choose religion
The Holy Roman Empire in the 16 c “Why the Germanies?” The Holy Roman Empire in the 16 c “Why the Germanies?”
The Spread of Lutheranism
The Anabaptists Dutch persecution of Anabaptists
The Radical Reformation Anabaptist Religious beliefs Complete separation of Church and State Munster, Germany – John Leiden Menno Simons
England’s Reformation
Political not religious King Henry & Catherine of Aragon Pope Clement VI dependent upon H.R.E. Anne Boleyn Cardinal Wolsey – Thomas Cranmer & Thomas Cromwell Creation of the Anglican Church
King Henry’s Successors
Calvin’s World in the 16 c
Calvinism Takes over after the death of Huldrych Zwingli – Genevea, Switzerland The Institute of Christian Religion Major Beliefs – Omniscient – all knowing – Predestination – the Elect The Consistory
Protestant Churches in France (Late 16 c )
The Huguenots Nobility conversion in France Threat to National Unity 1562 Bloody Civil War 1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1598 Edict of Nantes – King Henry IV (France)
St Bartholomew’s Massacre
Reformation Europe (Late 16 c )