Hit the Bridge: FonsBAY SPI Class
FonsBAY: What is it? These are bridge words. FonsBAY stands for: F - for 0 - or N - nor S - so B - but A - and Y - yet These are bridge words.
Elegant Writing = Better Grades FonsBAY: Why do I care? FonsBAY is a simple, easy to use method to make your writing more exciting and elegant. Elegant Writing = Better Grades
FonsBAY: How does it work? When you come to the end of a sentence and are considering hitting the period, hit a bridge word instead and continue. Bridge words: For, Or, Nor, So, But, And, Yet
FonsBAY: How does it work? Take a simple sentence... The McDonald's french fries grew no mold. We'll call it a driver sentence. It's a driver because it can stand on its own. Not a bad sentence, but kinda boring.
FonsBAY: How does it work? Driver Sentence:The McDonald's french fries grew no mold. Add a comma and hit the bridge with one of the FonsBAY bridge words. Let's start with but. The McDonald's french fries grew no mold, but the hamburgers did.
FonsBAY: How does it work? Instantly, the driver sentence becomes more exciting and elegant. The McDonald's french fries grew no mold, but the hamburgers did. Your turn: Write the driver sentence, and hit the bridge. The McDonald's french fries grew no mold, but...
FonsBAY: How does it work? Let's try another. Driver Sentence: The hamburgers turned disgusting. Your turn: Write the driver sentence, and hit the bridge. The hamburgers turned disgusting, but...
FonsBAY: How does it work? Now, let's try it with the bridge word and. Driver Sentence: The hamburgers turned disgusting. Your turn: Write the driver sentence, and hit the bridge. The hamburgers turned disgusting, and...
FonsBAY: How does it work? Let's try another. Driver Sentence: The hamburger from the place up the street turned moldy. Your turn: Write the driver sentence, and hit the bridge. The hamburger from the place up the street turned moldy, and...
FonsBAY: How does it work? Now, let's try it with the bridge word yet. Driver Sentence: The french fries looked fresh after six weeks. Your turn: Write the driver sentence, and hit the bridge. The french fries looked fresh after six weeks, yet...
FonsBAY: How does it work? Let's try another. Driver Sentence: The hamburger from the place up the street didn't grow mold as fast as the McDonald's hamburgers. Write the sentence and hit the bridge with yet. The hamburger from the place up the street didn't grow mold as fast as the McDonald's hamburger, yet...