Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | HISPANIC POPULATION GROWTH
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | BOOMING Population Source: US Census Bureau Population Division, 2000
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | In the next 20 years, the Hispanic population will grow 82% and the White Non-Hispanic Population will grow 1% The Hispanic Population in the U.S. Grew 40% from Source: US Census Bureau Interim Projections August 2013
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Most of the Hyper-Growth Areas are in Emerging Markets Source: Nielsen 2013
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | #1 #2 Salsa is America’s #1 Condiment – Replacing Ketchup
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | 1 Smith 2 Johnson 3 Williams 4 Brown 5 Jones 6 Miller 7 Davis 8 Garcia 9 Rodriguez 10 Wilson These surnames originated in Spain and Latin America and now rank in the top 10 most common names in the U.S. Garcia and Rodriguez are among the Most Common Surnames in the U.S. Source:
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | HISPANIC AND AUTO SALES
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Hispanic’s bought 1 out of every 4 NEW cars sold in the U.S in Out of 4 Source: Google US Hispanics
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Source: Polk New Vehicle Registrations (includes leases), Enhanced Ethnic Data The overall market for new- vehicle sales in the US grew 9%, while Hispanic sales grew 16% during the same period. New Vehicle Sales Growth 2013 – 2X as Much Growth for Hispanics
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Hispanic new vehicle sales growth was more than 3x Non-Hispanic Growth in Q1 of x Source: Polk From 2x in 2013 to 3x in Q1 of 2014
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Source: CNW Research “Automotive Purchase Path Study” Aug. 15, 2013 Hispanics Look for Deals Like Everyone Else
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Source: Scarborough USA, 2013 Hispanic Shoppers Will Drive the Distance
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Hispanic Like All Makes & Models RankModel 1Toyota Corolla 2Honda Civic 3Honda Accord 4Toyota Camry 5Ford F Series Source: Polk
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Growth Rank Model 1Buick 2Hyundai 3Cadillac 4Kia 5CDJR New Brands are Peaking Hispanics Attention Source: Polk
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | I SEE THE POTENTIAL, HOW DO I START ?
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Always extended family More customers Future referrals Group buying power Very talkative – looking for a “connection” Appreciate when you ask about them Want you to respect them Not in a rush Not so concerned about price, more focused on service and respect Language: English capable/Spanish preferred What Does My Hispanic Customer Look Like?
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Someone who speaks Spanish Sales + Finance Be a dealership that welcomes them: Be on the lookout and greet immediately them respectfully when they enter the store Let them know you are not in a rush and are happy to answer any of their questions Then…..let them speak Setting Your Dealership Up for Success
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | They want to discuss every option of every model, and every color. They will buy, it is just going to take a while Offer them a coffee, have your salesperson or receptionist personally go get it for them, do not have them serve themselves Hispanic prefer to purchase a vehicle rather than lease, 80% will purchase vs. 7% lease Setting Your Dealership Up for Success
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | HOW DO I REACH OUT?
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Auto Searches on Google in Spanish grew 24% faster than auto searches in English in 2013 Spanish CPC’s are 68% lower than English CPC’s Set language targeting to English and Spanish Spanish & Spanglish Paid Search
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Use Spanish language creative Target ONLY people who have Spanish selected as their default language setting Placement on Spanish language websites Key Spanish zip codes Spanish Language Display
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | 23 Make Them Feel Welcome
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Source: Nielsen Cross-Platform Report Hispanics watch 62% more video online than non-Hispanics Video, Video, Video
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Many Hispanics “leapfrogged” desktop Hispanics are 17% more likely to access the Internet through a mobile device than through a computer. Hispanics use text messaging 10% more than Non Hispanics Hispanics download double the number of pictures to their mobile phone each month Hispanics stream double the amount of videos each month Hispanics like the personal experience that sharing video, and photos provides Mobile, Mobile, Mobile Source: Nielsen Q4 Mobile Hispanic Insight Report
Beth Walter | L2TMedia | Field Consultant | Sponsor (Display Cars) at a (very) Local Hispanic Event Reach Out, Festivals, Fairs, Etc.
Contact Info Full Name: Company: Job Title : Beth Walter L2TMedia Field Consultant Share an important takeaway you received from this session using hashtag #DD18 for a chance to win an iPad.