The Achiever The Achiever National Delta Tau Alpha Newsletter October 2006 Check out the To submit Form 40’s after every meeting to (ASAP) so that your chapter can be included in the newsletter. Don’t Forget!!! November 15 Deadlines -Returning Members and Chapter Officer Report -Annual Chapter Dues
Guess Who? My name is James Schnepel and I grew up on a small grain and livestock farm in Red Bud, Illinois. On the farm we raised chickens, cattle, and eventually grew into a pork production farm. I grew up helping my dad on the farm, holding open gates, moving cattle, helping give shots, and driving alongside him in the fields bailing hay. I grew up in a large extended family that tried to do everything together and would always cook way more than needed on holidays. In high school I became very active in after school programs including science club, Skills-USA (formerly VICA), class executive board, and numerous church activities. By the time I was a junior in high school, I started to realize what I wanted to do with my life and started focusing on the future. By the start of my senior year, I had picked Southeast Missouri State University and was accepted by September. Once I got to college, I was ready to get the show on the road. The first week on campus I got involved with the campus Student Activities Council (SAC). I became part of the Executive board the following semester and have been since. That same spring semester I became involved with Horticulture Club and became treasurer the next fall and still remain there as well. This fall, I was honored by Southeast Missouri State University as a nominee and finalist for The Man of the Year. The honor is based on campus involvement, leadership, academic achievement, and volunteer work. I was selected by a campus executive committee, along with four other men and five women, which made up the homecoming court for After graduation, I plan to attend graduate school and receive my Masters in Landscape Architecture. Long after graduation I hope to open my own Landscape Design and Maintenance Company. I am honored to serve on the National Council as your Secretary! Best of luck on the school year and hope to see you all in Eastern Kentucky for the National Convention! James Schnepel Secretary
Chatter from Chase Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas A. Edison What If…? Several days ago I had the opportunity to introduce myself to a man who plays a vital role in Missouri’s Agriculture. As he walked into the room I said hello and began small talk with him. However, as he walked out of the room I felt my stomach sink. I wished I would have gotten out of my chair, walked across the room, shook his hand, and introduced myself. Now I wonder if I will ever be able to meet this influential gentlemen again. Every time we turn around we encounter a new opportunity, whether it be one that affects us in the short term, or one that will be a life changing encounter. What opportunity will be meeting you face to face? It may be meeting a person who will help you achieve your career goals, maybe an event like The National Delta Tau Alpha convention that broadens you agriculture perspectives, or one that may never be a possibility to take part in again. What if one of these opportunities comes your way? Will you stay in your seat and watch it walk out the door?
What’s Happinin’ -Working on t-shirt logos -Looking for the perfect fundraiser -Yard work for the community -Helping EKU with convention -DTA football games -Planning for -Ag Ed Day at area schools -Workings concessions for funds -Sponsoring children from the Angel Tree -Sponsoring 2 Dept. Scholarships -Hosting FCS Financial Seminar -Welcoming our new advisor (Dr. Alsup) -Phone-a-thon for scholarships -Hosting a 10 pt. pitch tournament -Hosting a Halloween Carnival -Game Warden to speak at November meeting Grrrreat Grrrreat job to the following chapters for sending in their Form 40’s. Keep up the good work!!!