America’s home front during World War II By, Keith McNally
The American Home Front America Mobilizes for war Industrial Production Increases Women’s involvement in the war Communities Boom due to war Problems with Children resulting from war How American Life was altered
America Mobilizes for the War The government increases in size In 1939 the number of civilian employees grew to 900,000 In 1945 the number of employees grew to 4,000,000 Federal spending grew from one billion dollars a year to 98 billion dollars a year in 1945
Industrial Mobilization and Defense Production The G.N.P. (Gross National Product) grew to 215 billion dollars by 1945 The G.N.P. is how much money a country has by selling things Defense production increases to include 6 million tons of bombs, 2.4 million trucks, and 300,000 airplanes
Women’s War Involvement In million women worked paying jobs Women worked the same jobs as men but received less pay Working women changed society’s views of “women’s work” Women took men’s jobs while they were fighting(Rosie the Riveter) “the price of meat” women working as prostitutes during the war (especially Hawaii)
Community Grows Due to War Community’s received help from the Community Facilities(Lanham) Act The act provided federal funds for children Examples are recreation, day care, clinics, or anything that showed a “war- related need”
Problems Involving Children There is a shortage of schools and teachers There was a growing fear of crime and delinquency in children Street gangs started to appear “Victory Girls”- young girls who felt the need to have intercourse with soldiers for “patriotic reasons”
Impact on American Life The economy recovered The number of government social programs increased “The G.I. Bill”- gave veterans college tuition money, health care, and home mortgages
The End
Works Citied Civic Centre, Dagenham. On the Home Front, Heritage and History Publications, Barking and Dagenham. 01 Dec home-front.html#skiphome-front.html#skip. Delaware, State of. "Officers and men of U-858 line up on dock in Lewes, May 1945." 27 May Officers and men of U-858 line up on dock in Lewes, May Dec Fairbanks, PhD,, Jefferson. 01 Dec Freeman, Julie D.. "World War II Homefront." 25 Feb World War II Homefront. 01 Dec Institution, Smithsonianin. "Produce for Victory." Museum On Main Street; Produce for Victory Program Resources. Smithsonianin Institution. 01 Dec "Virtual Stamp Club." 01 Dec Virtual Stamp Club. 03 Dec "World War II." World War II. 02 Dec < 002/worldwarii.html>.