One day a tiny little caterpillar named Little Count popped out of his egg. It was a warm sunny day and he was hungry. He started to eat some leaves. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! 10
The more he ate the more he grew. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!
What do you think will come next?
What patterns do you see?
Little Count was still hungry so he kept on eating the delicious leaves. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Little Count grew and grew and GREW!
What do you think will come next?
What patterns do you see?
Little Count was still hungry so he kept crawling along looking for more crunchy green leaves. Every bite of healthy green leaves helped Little Count to grow bigger, and longer, and stronger!
What do you think will come next?
What patterns do you see?
Thank you for counting with me!
If you have a smart board or an active board please use the next few slides to practice.
40 Thank you for counting with me!
80 Thank you for counting with me!
Thank you for counting with me!
Thank you for counting with me!
Thank you for counting with me!