Mrs. Corino 5 th Grade
Explain what the following words mean: New World Age of Exploration explorers archaeologist
Answers New World: What Europeans called the lands across the Atlantic (the Americas) Age of Exploration: time period beginning in the late 1400’s when explorers looked for new trade routes to Asia and found the Americas explorers: people who travel searching for new things archaeologist: a scientist who studies artifacts to learn about past cultures
Question 1 What are the reasons Europeans explored the New World? Give reasons and explain your answer.
Answer The major reasons Europeans explored were the following: to spread Christianity to gain wealth to find new land to find trade routes to Asia People were curious about what was out there to gain power and be famous to gain foreign goods like silks, gold, silver, rubies and other precious metals
Define the following: intact Astrolabe compass the Americas
Answers intact: strong and easy to stay together, keeps together. Astrolabe: an early scientific tool used to observe and calculate the position of the sun and other stars – worked best on land. compass: a tool for finding direction (north, east, south and west) by using a magnetic needle always pointing north. the Americas: the land masses of North, Central and South America.
Question 2 What are two major changes map makers made after Columbus’ voyage?
Answer Added the New World Made the Atlantic Ocean bigger Before Columbus, Europeans did not know the New World even existed. Also, map makers, and sailors/explorers, thought the Atlantic Ocean was much smaller than it actually was.
Define the following: Maps Claim Flag Christianity
Answers Maps: drawing of the shapes of bodies of land and water while showing where the physical features are. Claim: take something as your own Flag: symbol of power of countries and their rulers Christianity: religion that Europeans wanted to spread to other nations
Question 3 Why did explorers use maps and how were they helpful?
Answer They showed physical features such as mountains. They also used scales to show the actual distance as it related to the earth. Ocean maps and navigational maps were used to help them stay on course.
Define the following: bible wealth Costly Tobacco Cash crop
Answer bible: book that contains stories and teachings of Christianity. wealth: a lot of money, property, possessions or other riches (gold and silver). Costly: expensive, high price Tobacco: tall, leafy plant that grew in the Americas. Cash crop: a crop that is grown in large quantities for sale.
Question 4 What happened as a result of the Europeans coming into contact with the Native Americans? What were the effects of the trade of new foods and tobacco?
Answer American Indians grew different types of corn, vegetables and fruit. There were introduced to the explorers and they were brought back to Europe and people started eating a more healthy diet. Some foods such as cacao, was used medicine and populations grew. American Indians also smoked, sniffed and inhaled tobacco and it was very additive. Explorers took it back to Europe and soon they were addicted as well and it became in demand and grew well in the New World. American colonists planted large fields of it and sold the tobacco to Europeans and it became a cash crop. Colonists were able to buy goods from Europe. American Indians were forced to work as slaves in mines. Diseases were spread.
Question 5 Do scientists still explore today? If so, how and what do they explore?
Answer Yes, underwater archaeologists still explore. Study sunken ships Look at old ship records and artifacts Read tales by shipwreck survivors May learn important information about the people on the ship and where it was going Long process
Explain each navigational tool and draw a picture compass astrolabe rudder
Answer compass: a tool for finding direction (north, east, south and west) by using a magnetic needle always pointing north astrolabe: an early scientific tool used to observe and calculate the position of the sun and other stars – worked best on land. rudder: made it possible for one sailor to steer the ship (located in the rear of the ship).
Explain each navigational tool and draw a picture caravel cross-staff lateen sails
Answer caravel: a sailing ship explorers used which was lighter, faster and had more cargo room cross-staff: a tool used to find latitude which worked best on a ship. lateen sails: shaped like a triangle and could catch winds from all the sides of the ship. This allowed the ship to change direction.