MY VERY OWN SEEDS This is the story of my seeds
DAY 1 25/10/12 As you can see on the first picture that I planted the bean in the cup and put a moist paper towel so that it is stuck against the cup and won’t slip. I did this for two other beans as well. MEASURMENT BORLOTTI 1.5 cm RED KIDNEY 1.0 cm LIMA 2.0 cm
DAY 2 26/10/12 Two beans Red Kidney and Borlotti grew but the lima bean didn’t because it had no sun. MESUREMENT RED KIDNEY 1.5cm BORRLOTTI 1.8cm LIMA 2.0cm
DAY 14 7/11/12 The Red Kid Kidney grew a long sprout, Lima got bigger and grew a shoot. Borrlotti grew a bit and cracked. MESUREMENT RED KIDNEY 4.5cm BORLOTTI 1.9cm LIMA 6.0cm