THE BOOK OF ACTS The Word of God Spread
Review 2- You Shall Receive Power – Holy Spirit 9 – To the Ends of the Earth – Mission 16 – All Whom God Calls – Calling 23 – Unschooled, Ordinary – Power 30 – The Word of God Spread – Message
Rapid Expansion Stressed 2:41 – Jerusalem – 3000 baptized into Christ 4:4 – Jerusalem – number of men to :14 – Jerusalem – more and more men and women were added to their number 6:7 – Jerusalem – number of disciples increased rapidly; large number of priests converted 8:4 – Disciples dispersed – went everywhere preaching the word 11:21 – Antioch – great number believed 14:1 – Iconium – great number of Jews and Gentiles
Rapid Expansion Stressed 19:20 – Paul’s Mission in Ephesus In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. What is “in this way”? Six Major Panels of Acts
1. 1:1 – 6:7 – work in Jerusalem; Peter So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. Jesus teaching, 1Healing, 3 Ascension, 1Persecution, 3-4 Outpouring, 2Judgment, 5 Preaching, 2Appointments, 6 Fellowship, 2-4
Key Lesson of Panel 1 Wait on God Listen and learn See and believe Care and share Trust and obey
2. Acts 6:8 – 9:31 – spread through Palestine, Judea, Galilee and Samaria Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord. Martyrdom, 6-7Saul’s Conversion Story, 9 Persecution, 8 Spreading, 8 Samaria, 8 Africa, 8
Key Lesson of Panel Two Never, never, never give up Trust the most when it looks the bleakest When it gets toughest, God shows up the most God’s ways our simply and clearly not ours!
3. 9:32 – 12:24 – Ministry of Paul; church in Antioch; Gentile conversions But the word of God continued to increase and spread. Peter’s Travels, 9 Cornelius Conversion, 10 Peter’s Defense, 11 Antioch Church, 11 Peter’s Miraculous Prison Escape, 12 Judgment on Herod, 12
Key Lesson of Panel 3 Divide and conquer Live out your own mission Let go and let God Preach and plant
4. 12:25 – 16:5 – expansion to Asia Minor/Galatia So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers. Strategic Unity, 12 First Missionary Journey, Paul strikes Elymas blind, 13 Paul turns to Gentiles, 13:47 Word spread to region, 13:49 Jerusalem Conference over Gentiles, 15 Second Missionary Journey, Paul/Barnabas split, 15Paul/Silas partnership, 15 Timothy’s calling, 16
Key Lesson from Panel 4 Plan your work; work your plan Learn from your past Learn from your present Look, listen, plan, go
5. 16:6 – 19:20 – Europe, Corinth, Ephesus In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. Second Journey, Cont., 16Corinth, 18 Macedonian Call, 16Third Journey, 18 Philippi Mission, 16Ephesus, 19 Lydia’s Household Jailer’s Household Thessalonica, 17 Berea, 17 Athens, 17
Key Lesson from Panel 5 Have a dream and think big Not about our great faith but about out little faith in a great God!
6. 19:21 – 28:31 – Jerusalem to Rome Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul’s Plans, 19:21-22Felix Trial, 24 Ephesus Riot, 19Festus Trial, 25 Macedonia/Greece, 20Agrippa Trial, 25 Ephesian Farewell, 20Trip to Rome, 27 Jerusalem Visit, 21Shipwreck, Paul’s Arrest, 21Rome Arrival, 28 Jerusalem Trials, 21-23Rome Mission, 28
Key Lesson from Panel 6 It ain’t over till it’s over God mostly accomplishes his big deals through our weaknesses and the world’s sinfulness. God is not worried about your pains and plight here, but the salvation of the world. God is concerned about YOUR strength here and your eternity!
Conclusion 1. Wait on God 2. Never, never, never give up 3. Divide and conquer 4. Plan your work; work your plan 5. Have a dream and think big 6. It ain’t over till it’s over And, only God says when it’s over…