The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 442 Most of us feel that we have a pretty good idea as to what is right and what is wrong, and we are usually
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 443 not afraid to express our opinions about what we consider to be right and what we consider to be wrong. How can we be so sure that we are right about an issue when the guy who lives down the block from us
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 444 is so sure that we are wrong about the same issue? The guy who lives down the block began a socialization process of automatically exchanging his subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with other people early in life.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 445 We also began the same socialization process early in life. How can our opinions be so different?
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 446 Even though we were each developing spiritual links with other people as we were growing up, we were not developing our spiritual links with the same people. The people we developed our spiritual links with became
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 447 an important part of our thought processes. They became like a conscience telling us what was right and what was wrong. Whenever we would express our opinions about an issue, we would feel that we were being
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 448 "watched" and that we were being supported by these people who we were spiritually linked to. We would hear a "small voice" inside of us telling us that we were right. The guy who lived down the block also felt that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 449 he was being "watched" and that he was being supported by the people who he had developed his spiritual links with. Like us, he would hear a "small voice" inside of him telling him that he was right.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 450 Unfortunately, some people do not succeed in developing automatic exchanges of spiritual information and spiritual energy with other people. These spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people become spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 451 slaves. Their spiritual energy is taken from them and it is distributed to other people. To explain how this process works we are going to be looking at how two spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 452 individuals (Thomas and Michael) might become spiritual slaves and how their efforts to escape from their spiritual slavery will be resisted by the people who made them into their spiritual slaves. First, let's look at
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 453 Thomas. When growing up Thomas is never given an even break. Other kids get away with things that he does not get away with. If he questions anything or asks for the same things that the other kids ask for he will be
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 454 put under a lot of pressure. Thomas learns to keep his opinions to himself because whenever he speaks up, he is punished. By being treated in this manner his spiritual energy is never really allowed to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 455 develop. Because of this process Thomas ends up absorbing the pressure that should be going to the people who have attacked them and who have made him into their spiritual slave. He is forced to deal with not only the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 456 pressure in his own life but he also has to absorb the pressure that is being directed towards the people who have made him into a spiritual slave. If he eventually, with insight into the nature of his situation,
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 457 gets some sort of psychological release where he no longer feels the need to absorb the pressure of the people who made him into a spiritual slave, he will notice very soon that he will have increased pressure put upon
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 458 him by people in his group who are upset that the person who made Thomas into a spiritual slave is not happy about the new situation where they have to absorb the pressure that was previously absorbed for them by
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 459 Thomas. Thomas might also be accused of being evil after he breaks free from his spiritual slavery. The ones who have been using him as a spiritual slave might say that they are feeling increased negative spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 460 energy coming into them and they might claim that Thomas is evil and has put a curse on them and that is why they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them. Actually, they are just
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 461 feeling the negative spiritual energy that Thomas has been absorbing for them through the years.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 462 Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Thomas (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Thomas their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Thomas) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). In the following graphic you see what happens if Thomas manages to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 463 Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Thomas (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Thomas their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Thomas) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. As can be expected, Person C will probably not be very happy about having to absorb the pressure that is now coming into them from Person A (pressure that was once being absorbed for them by Thomas).
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 464 Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Thomas (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Thomas their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Thomas) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). For a short time Thomas had managed to get out of the line of fire, but then Person C complained that Thomas had put a curse on them that was sending negative spiritual energy into them. The negative spiritual energy was actually coming from Person A, but the group forced Thomas to once again start absorbing the pressure that was being sent by Person A to Person C.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 465 Michael, the other spiritually and psychologically vulnerable young man in our example, lives in the same town as Thomas. Michael is also a spiritual slave but the family and the social group that Michael grew up in
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 466 practiced a more subtle type of spiritual slavery than did the family and the social group that Thomas grew up in. For example, when Thomas was growing up if he questioned anything, he would immediately be put
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 467 under a lot of pressure. When Michael questioned anything while growing up the people around him would act like they were listening to him but would not actually do anything that would help
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 468 Michael to get his issue resolved. As a result, Michel (just like Thomas) learned that it did not pay to question things.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 469 Person D (a person who is pressuring Person F) Michael (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person F (a person who has made Michael their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Michael) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person D) to the person on the right (Person F). In the following graphic you see what happens if Michael manages to get out of the line of fire between Person D and Person F.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 470 Person D (a person who is pressuring Person F) Michael (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person F (a person who has made Michael their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Michael) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person D and Person F. As can be expected, Person F will probably not be very happy about having to absorb the pressure that is now coming into them from Person D (pressure that was once being absorbed for them by Michael).
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 471 Person D (a person who is pressuring Person F) Michael (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person F (a person who has made Michael their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Michael) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person D) to the person on the right (Person F). For a short time Michael had managed to get out of the line of fire, but then Person F complained that Michael had put a curse on them that was sending negative spiritual energy into them. The negative spiritual energy was actually coming from Person D, but the group forced Michael to once again start absorbing the pressure that was being sent by Person D to Person F.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 472 When looking at the above situation, it appears that Thomas and Michael do actually have quite a bit in common. They both were accused of being an evil person who puts curses on other people when they tried
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 473 to break free from their spiritual slavery. They both had managed to successfully play their role as a spiritual slave to people in their social group while they were growing up while at the same
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 474 time gaining enough insight into the nature of their spiritual slavery so that they would be able to (at least temporarily) break free from their spiritual bondage.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 475 But now that Thomas and Michael have both been forced back into their role as a spiritual slave to the people in their social group they will find that it will become increasingly difficult for them to break free from their role
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 476 as a spiritual slave. It might be useful for Thomas or Michael if one of the people who had made them into a spiritual slave were to sit down with them to help them try to understand why it is so hard for them to break free
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 477 from their spiritual slavery. If one of the people who had made Thomas into a spiritual slave were to sit down with him and try to help him understand why it is so hard for him to break free from his spiritual slavery, that person
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 478 might say something like the following. "Thomas, the world is full of complex spiritual forces that are very hard for a lot of people to understand on a conscious level. A lot of our spiritual activity takes place at a deep
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 479 subconscious sort of a level where we are constantly exchanging spiritual information and spiritual energy with other people through the Collective Subconscious. I am more consciously aware of things
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 480 of a spiritual nature than you are because my exchanges of spiritual energy with other people are more dynamic than your exchanges of spiritual energy with other people."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 481 Group Member #3 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #2Group Member #1
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 482 "I know that you think that due to the fact that you are my spiritual slave and due to the fact that I fought against your attempts to break away from your spiritual slavery, that for this reason you believe that you are involved
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 483 in some sort of a deep subconscious spiritual conflict with me. You are correct in thinking that you are involved in some sort of a deep subconscious spiritual conflict with somebody. But you are actually involved in a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 484 deep subconscious spiritual conflict with one of my enemies, Jerry Spikes. I'm sure you remember Jerry from the church that we grew up in. Jerry has been trying to send a lot of negative spiritual energy into me in an
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 485 attempt to destroy me. The reason that I fought against your attempts to break free of your spiritual slavery was that I have been using you to absorb the negative spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 486 energy that is being sent towards me through the Collective Subconscious by Jerry Spikes."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 487 Thomas looked a little bit surprised and then responded. "I remember that in our church while we were growing up I got along very poorly with Jerry Spikes but I could never figure out why we got along so bad."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 488 "That right, Thomas" said the person who had been using Thomas as a spiritual slave. "When I made you into a spiritual slave I forced you into a deep subconscious spiritual fight with Jerry Spikes. Jerry hates you
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 489 because you have blocked his attempts to hurt me by sending negative spiritual energy into me through the Collective Subconscious. Thomas, I know that you have tried to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 490 break free of your spiritual slavery by forgiving (in your heart) those who have hurt you. That is a good strategy, Thomas. But in our world today where the use of spiritual slaves is common, spiritual slaves will often fail
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 491 in their attempts to forgive their enemies because they don't really know who their enemies are. For example, you thought that Jerry's hatred of you had no good basis in fact and that he
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 492 would eventually get over it. Now you understand that he actually does have a reason to dislike you and that time is not going to heal that wound. As long as you continue to block Jerry's
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 493 attempts to hurt me by sending negative spiritual energy into me through the Collective Subconscious, you are going to have a bad conflict with Jerry Spikes."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 494 "Thomas, I remember once when we were talking a few years ago you mentioned that you could never understand why you and Michael from our class in school had never become friends. Being as Michael was a spiritual slave
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 495 and you were a spiritual slave you wondered why you and Michael had never become friends. Thomas, I remember Michael pretty well. I remember that Michael's family was very active in their church and I knew a person
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 496 in Michael's church who had forced him to become their spiritual slave. It was a very similar situation to what happened when I made you into my spiritual slave. The person who made Michael into their spiritual slave
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 497 forced him to absorb the negative spiritual energy that their enemy (a person who was also in Michael's church) was trying to send into them through the Collective Subconscious. Similar to the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 498 situation between you and Jerry Spikes, there was always a lot of tension between Michael and the person who was the enemy of Michael's slave master."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 499 "Thomas, as long as you and Michael continue in your roles as spiritual slaves, you and Michael will have trouble developing a close friendship with each other. You have a deep subconscious spiritual connection with my enemy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 500 that you are not able to break free from. And Michael has a deep subconscious spiritual connection with the enemy of the person who made him into their spiritual slave that he is not able to break free from. The beliefs of the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 501 people in the church that we grew up in are very different from the beliefs of the people in the church that Michael grew up in. As long as you and Michael are locked into a deep subconscious spiritual connection with the enemies
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 502 of your slave masters, you will have deep subconscious spiritual characteristics that are similar to those of my enemy and Michael will have deep subconscious spiritual characteristics that are similar to the enemy of the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 503 person who made him into their spiritual slave. For this reason, as long as you and Michael remain spiritual slaves, when you and Michael are together, your soul will not be able to make a deep
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 504 subconscious spiritual connection with Michael's soul. And that will make it hard for you and Michael to become friends."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 505 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Thomas) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. Once before Thomas had gotten out of the line of fire but then Person C complained about the increased pressure they were feeling and the group forced Thomas to absorb the pressure once again. This time, with insight into the situation, Thomas was able to get out of the line of fire and was able to stay out of the line of fire. Thomas (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Thomas their spiritual slave) Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 506 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Michael) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person D and Person F. Once before Michael had gotten out of the line of fire but then Person F complained about the increased pressure they were feeling and the group forced Michael to absorb the pressure once again. This time, with insight into the situation, Michael was able to get out of the line of fire and was able to stay out of the line of fire. Michael (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person F (a person who has made Michael their spiritual slave) Person D (a person who is pressuring Person F)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 507 Eventually, cultures from throughout the world will probably start to move away from old fashioned practice of using other people as spiritual slaves. Of course, it will take a while for this change to take place. In the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 508 meantime, it would be good for us to keep trying to learn more about the nature of spiritual slavery. The transition from the old way of doing things to whatever new order that may develop will probably be smoother if we
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 509 can learn to understand more about the dynamics of the old fashioned practice of using other people as spiritual slaves. Everyone, those who serve as spiritual slaves and also those who use other people as their
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 510 Copyright 2010 Don Bergquist spiritual slaves, will be better off when things eventually change if they can now start to learn more about the nature of spiritual slavery.