Pelekane Bay Watershed Restoration Project August February 2011
Funding - $2.9 million A competitive grant for coastal restoration projects nationwide projects submitted; 50 projects funded, two in Hawaii. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act = need to be “shovel ready” and have a focus on hiring people to get them to work doing conservation activities.
Storm flow - November 2010
How did this happen? Fire Goats Bare Ground Exotic Grasses eat everything except consume native vegetation fire-grass cycle changes soil texture = no infiltration Erosion Sediments smother coral
Fire Goats Bare Ground Exotic Grasses eat everything except consume native vegetation fire-grass cycle changes soil texture = no infiltration Erosion Sediments smother coral
Completed 18 miles of goat-proof fencing, and controlled feral goats inside fence.
Fire Goats Bare Ground Exotic Grasses eat everything except consume native vegetation fire-grass cycle changes soil texture = no infiltration Erosion Sediments smother coral
Created a 400 acre protected stream corridor for native plant restoration.
Fire Goats Bare Ground Exotic Grasses eat everything except consume native vegetation fire-grass cycle changes soil texture = no infiltration Erosion Sediments smother coral
Treated about 13 acres of bare ground with erosion control fabric embedded with native seed Build 60 sediment check dams in barren areas.
Many hands make light(er) work. Keep it local.
What did we accomplish? Constructed 18 miles of fence to make 6600 acre goat-free area Created a 400 acre restoration area free of cattle, pigs and goats Protected 50,000 existing native plants from animal damage Planted more than 30,000 native trees, shrubs and ground covers Laid more than 10 miles of irrigation line Built 60 sediment check dams; each can hold 10 tons of sediment Treated 13 acres of bare soil with fabric seeded with native plants Grew more than 30 species of native plants from seed we collected Employed and trained 35 local people over the course of the project