Assessing Return on Investment for E-Resources: A Cross-Institutional Analysis of Cost-Per-Use Data Patrick L. Carr North Carolina Serials Conference Chapel Hill. March 10, 2011
“Print was simpler.”
This has been replaced by… From Appendix B of the 2004 report of the Digital Library Federation’s Electronic Resources Management Initiative.
This Has been replaced by… From Appendix B of the 2004 report of the Digital Library Federation’s Electronic Resources Management Initiative.
Indeed: This Has been replaced by… “Print was simpler.” From Appendix B of the 2004 report of the Digital Library Federation’s Electronic Resources Management Initiative.
Indeed: This Has been replaced by… “Print was simpler.” Not when it comes to use-based evaluations. From Appendix B of the 2004 report of the Digital Library Federation’s Electronic Resources Management Initiative.
Thomas E. Nisonger, Management of Serials in Libraries (Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1998): Methods for assessing print use Circulation data Table countSlip method Direct observation Call slip analysis Photocopy request analysis ILL request analysis Adhesive labels Surveys Check-off method Subjective impression of use
Thomas E. Nisonger, Management of Serials in Libraries (Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1998): Methods for assessing print use Circulation data Table countSlip method Direct observation Call slip analysis Photocopy request analysis ILL request analysis Adhesive labels Surveys Check-off method Subjective impression of use We have far superior tools to assess use of e-resources.
Cost-Per-Use: Annual Subscription Cost ÷ Annual Use
Cost-Per-Use: Should always be considered in the context of qualitative measures of ROI.
Cost-Per-Use: A powerful tool for assessing return on investment.
Cost-Per-Use: A powerful tool for assessing return on investment. But are we using CPU data to its fullest potential?
Chuck Hamaker’s idea: A cross- institutional analysis of CPU data &
Carnegie Classifications2009 ASERL Statistics Student Population Basic ClassE-Journals Subscriptions (5.a.i) E-Journal Expenditure (23) East Carolina University 27,654Doctoral / Research Universities 47,274$3,030,342 UNC- Charlotte 24,701Doctoral / Research Universities 24,224$2,117,660 UNC- Greensboro 21,306Research Universities (high research activity) 35,892$2,769,122 UNC- Wilmington 12,924Master's Colleges and Universities (larger programs)
Caveat: Data is generally from 2009 (complete 2010 data wasn’t yet available)
Caveat: The coverage ranges for cost and use data didn’t always overlap completely.
Caveat: Data is generally from 2009 (complete 2010 data wasn’t yet available) Caveat: The coverage ranges for cost and use data didn’t always overlap completely. Caveat: Institution-by- institution access sometimes differed.
Caveat: Data is generally from 2009 (complete 2010 data wasn’t yet available) Caveat: The coverage ranges for cost and use data didn’t always overlap completely. Caveat: Institution-by- institution access sometimes differed. Caveat: Not all sources of use data were COUNTER compliant.
Caveat: Data is generally from 2009 (complete 2010 data wasn’t yet available) Caveat: The coverage ranges for cost and use data didn’t always overlap completely. Caveat: Institution-by- institution access sometimes differed. Caveat: Not all sources of use data were COUNTER compliant. We can’t really use this study’s results to make sweeping conclusions.
Five Categories of Resources 1.Publisher journal packages Commercial publishers Society publishers University presses 2.Full-text aggregators 3.Site licenses to journals 4.Indexing & abstracting databases 5.Other stuff
Publisher Journal Packages UNC CharlotteECUUNC WilmingtonUNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU Blackwell Synergy$11.51$11.46$7.59$20.12$6.88 Elsevier ScienceDirect$5.65$3.89$4.06$8.56$6.08 Emerald EMX$3.16$1.10$3.75$5.08$2.72 Sage Premier$6.15$4.42$4.79$10.25$5.15 Springerlink$10.49$9.06$6.64$15.17$11.08 Wiley$14.43$14.17$12.72$23.64$7.20 ACM Digital Library$6.85$2.42$4.73$5.71$14.54 ACS Web Editions$5.32$4.72$4.84$6.41 Annual Reviews$4.21$4.22$3.14 $5.27 IEEE/IEE Electronic Library$17.73$5.91$13.40$33.87 Institute of Physics$23.95$19.78$28.11 Royal Society of Chemistry$34.51$20.98$38.06$44.50 Cambridge University Press$7.28$8.59$8.27$5.86$6.40 E-Duke Scholarly Collection$5.35$4.73$6.94 $4.39 Oxford University Press$5.24$4.13$3.77$6.56$6.49 ResearchNow (BEPress)$6.79$7.90$5.68 Average$10.54$7.97$9.78$15.48$6.93
Publisher Journal Packages - Commercial UNC CharlotteECU UNC Wilmington UNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU Blackwell Synergy $11.51$11.46$7.59$20.12$6.88 Elsevier ScienceDirect $5.65$3.89$4.06$8.56$6.08 Emerald EMX $3.16$1.10$3.75$5.08$2.72 Sage Premier $6.15$4.42$4.79$10.25$5.15 Springerlink $10.49$9.06$6.64$15.17$11.08 Wiley $14.43$14.17$12.72$23.64$7.20 Average $8.57$7.35$6.59$13.80$6.52
Publisher Journal Packages - Society UNC CharlotteECU UNC Wilmington UNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU ACM Digital Library $6.85$2.42$4.73$5.71$14.54 ACS Web Editions $5.32$4.72$4.84$6.41 Annual Reviews $4.21$4.22$3.14 $5.27 IEEE/IEE Electronic Library $17.73$5.91$13.40$33.87 Institute of Physics $23.95$19.78$28.11 Royal Society of Chemistry $34.51$20.98$38.06$44.50 Average $15.43$9.67$15.38$22.62$9.91
Publisher Journal Packages - University Presses UNC CharlotteECU UNC Wilmington UNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU Cambridge University Press $7.28$8.59$8.27$5.86$6.40 E-Duke Scholarly Collection $5.35$4.73$6.94 $4.39 Oxford University Press $5.24$4.13$3.77$6.56$6.49 ResearchNow (BEPress) $6.79$7.90$5.68 Average $6.17$6.34$6.17$6.21$5.76
Full-Text Aggregators UNC CharlotteECU UNC Wilmington UNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU ATLA Religion $4.34$1.25$1.62$8.90$5.61 CIAO: Columbia Int. Affairs Online $2.07$1.67$3.96$2.15$0.51 Communication & Mass Media Complete $0.52$0.03$0.63$0.89$0.53 EconLit $3.84$3.49 $4.18 Literature Resource Center $3.68$2.91 $7.15$0.99 Project Muse $1.84$1.29$1.96$2.18$1.94 PsycArticles $0.61$0.27$1.06$0.54$0.58 SPORTdiscus $0.55$0.35 $0.96 Average $2.18$1.41$1.60$3.25$2.05
Site Licenses to Individual Journals UNC CharlotteECU UNC Wilmington UNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU Nature $3.71$3.08$3.01$5.35$3.41 Nature Biotechnology $24.70$18.00$16.75 $39.36 Nature Cell Biology $42.92$55.59$13.10 $60.07 Nature Genetics $20.62$14.82$12.04 $35.01 Nature Medicine $20.61$26.71$7.13 $27.98 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology $50.34$28.07$13.51$ Science $2.42$1.98$1.62$2.35$3.71 Average $23.62$21.18$9.59$39.05$28.26
Indexing & Abstracting Services UNC CharlotteECU UNC Wilmington UNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU Abstracts in Social Gerontology $0.13$0.04 $0.21 America, History and Life $0.41$0.12$0.66$0.20$0.64 Avery Index to Architectural Per. $0.48$0.28 $0.69 Engineering Village (Compendex) $16.38$2.54$30.22 Film and Television Lit Index $0.05$0.04$0.07 $0.05 Historical Abstracts $0.49$0.13$0.77$0.23$0.82 Journal Citation Reports Web $7.99$5.25$8.00$10.73 Mathscinet $0.73$0.11$0.25$1.72$0.85 MLA International Bibliography $0.15$0.17$0.21$0.12$0.09 Music Index Online $1.09$2.89$0.28$0.09 Oxford English Dictionary Online $0.43$1.01$0.46$0.08$0.16 Philosopher's Index $1.04$0.69$0.16$2.26 Polling the Nations $5.78$8.84 $2.71 RILM Abstracts of Music Lit. $0.48$0.08$1.57$0.10$0.16 Social Work Abstracts $0.13$0.08$0.12 $0.19 Ulrichs Periodicals Directory $2.02$4.32 $0.86$0.89 Web of Science $1.80$0.92$2.24$1.18$2.87 Average $2.33$1.62$3.46$1.69$0.64
Other Resources UNC CharlotteECU UNC Wilmington UNC Greensboro Resource Average CPU CPU American Periodical Series Online (archival fee) $1.17$1.48$1.43 $0.61 Dictionary of National Biography $4.02$8.00$2.61$2.50$2.96 Historical Statistics of the United States (archival fee) $0.55$0.38 $0.96$0.30 JSTOR (archival fee) $0.26$0.12$0.16$0.36$0.40 Proquest Dissertations & Theses $2.20$2.30 $2.10 Times (London) Digital Archive $1.10$1.36 $0.84
Three Questions
What does a cross-institutional CPU analysis actually tell us?
Three Questions What does a cross-institutional CPU analysis actually tell us? How can we use what it tells us?
Three Questions What does a cross-institutional CPU analysis actually tell us? How can we use what it tells us? Where do we go from here?
Questions/Comments Patrick L. Carr Head of Electronic & Continuing Resource Acquisitions Joyner Library East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina phone: