Leaving No Child Behind (or out of school): Effective Approaches to Preventing Poor School and Community Outcomes and Promoting Healthy Development David Osher, Ph.D. Center for Effective Collaboration & Practice, The American Institutes for Research
Outline Resources Leave No Child Behind Relationship Between Schools, Communities, & Effective Prevention Strategies 3 Level Approach Choosing Evidence-based Interventions 14 Ingredients
Where To Go For: Resources, Links, Overheads, & Updates
Center For Effective Collaboration & Practice Safe, Drug Free, & Effective Schools: What Works Addressing Student Problem Behavior (3 parts plus video) Teaching and Working With Children with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges (Sopris West) Early Warning, Timely Response Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide Safe, Supportive, & Successful Schools: Step by Step (Sopris West) Promising Practices in Children’s Mental Health (13 vols.) Exploring the Relationship between and Juvenile Justice Outcomes (7 vols.).
Relevant AIR TA & Research Centers Behavioral Health Technical Assistance Center (SAMHSA) Safe and Drug Free School Coordinators TA Center (SDFS) Neglected and Delinquent Youth TA & Evaluation Center (Office of Elementary and Secondary Education) Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health (SAMHSA) Center for Integrating Prevention and Education Research (NIH).
Relevant AIR Evaluation Studies Gates Small School Initiative California Class-size Initiative Eisenhower Professional Development Program Consumer’s Guide to School Reform Alternative Education Early Childhood Behavior AIR-LFA Partnership.
No Child Left Behind
The Logic of Leaving No Child Behind Adapted from: Beth Doll, University of Nebraska
The Old View I: Blame the Fish Adapted from: Beth Doll, University of Nebraska
The Old View II: Blame the Fish’s Mother, Family, or Community Adapted from: Beth Doll, University of Nebraska
Key Provisions in relationship to Principles of Effectiveness & Coordinated 3-Level Approach Increased Accountability (see Performance Measures; Evaluation & Chapter 1 ) Annual testing 3-8 Annual statewide progress objectives Disaggregate by Poverty Race Ethnicity Disability LEP States required to establish uniform data system on school safety & drug use.
Key Provisions in relationship to Principles of Effectiveness & Coordinated 3-Level Approach Focus on Evidenced-Based Interventions (see Effective, Science-based Strategies & Appendix A) Specifies Principles of Effectiveness E.g., What Works Clearing House.
Leaving No Child Behind: Key Provisions Parental & Student Choice (see Parent & Community Involvement & Chapters 1, 3) Academic Failure Persistently Dangerous Schools Victims of Violent Crime.
Leaving No Child Behind: Other Relevant Provisions Expansion of School Counseling Demonstration Programs to Secondary School Expansion of who can “counsel” Counseling where students need it – not just at school SDF $, After-school $, school emergency assistance $ can be used for counseling and mental health services.
Leaving No Child Behind: Key Provisions Increased Flexibility (see Risk & Protective & Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4) Transfer to Title 1 or other programs < 50% of monies under : Teacher Quality State Grants Safe and Drug-Free Schools Innovative Programs Educational Technology.
Relationship Between Schools, Communities, & Effective Prevention Strategies
Does Prevention Make a Difference? Impact of Good Behavior Game in 1 st & 2 nd Grade on most aggressive children at ages
Where to Look Risk Factors Individual Social (Family, Peers) Institutional (Schools; Facilities) Societal Protective Factors Individual Social Institutional Societal
Macrosystems Proximal Social Contexts A nested ecological system of influences on youth behavior. Adapted from “Prevention of Delinquency: Current status and issues” by P. H. Tolan and N. G. Guerra, 1994, Applied and Preventive Psychology, 3, p Close Interpersonal Relations Where To Intervene ? Individual Factors
Schools Where to Intervene 18 Mental Health Justice Child Welfare Heath Substance Abuse Services Recreation Prevention Youth Development
DEVELOPMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY: directed at early proximal targets MORE IMMEDIATE RISK: directed at more recent proximal targets COMMUNITY PREVENTION: directed at community & school proximal targets COMMUNITY / SOCIETAL: directed at policies & laws as proximal targets INTEGRATED STRATEGIES PREVENTION OVER TIME AND SPACE: INTEGRATING PREVENTION SCIENCE STRATEGIES Sheppard G. Kellam, M.D.
Do Teachers Have an Impact? The Impact of First Grade Teacher Capacity on 7 th Grade Behavior (Kellam, Ling, Merisca, Brown, & Ialongo, 1998)
Do Principals Have an Impact? Advancement Project, 2000
Does Race Have an Impact? South Carolina School Crime Incident Report,
Linking School Safety & School Improvement Principal Teacher Mental Health Professional School-wide Team Student Support Team Dwyer & Osher, 2000
Address the Whole Child Understand the Links Between Psychological, Social, Ethical, and Academic Development Improve Learning Improve Behavior Improve Behavior Improve Learning
Connect with Every Child: National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (ADD Health) Students who Feel Connected: Less likely to use alcohol or substances Experience less emotional distress Attempt suicide less Engage in less deviant and violent behavior Blum, 2001
All Foundation Few Some Building Blocks Universal Intervention Early Intervention Intensive Intervention
All The Logic of Universal Intervention Universal Interventions You cannot identify all at risk Children affect each others’ behavior and development No stigma No self-fulfilling prophecies No homogenous grouping Per Child Cost Less.
Connect with Every Child Small schools; Well managed classrooms; Positive (not harsh) discipline policies; Overlapping and integrated social groups; Impact of the Child Development Project See Every Child Learning: Safe and Supportive Schools (Learning First Alliance) See Child Development Project (Appendix A). Blum, 2001
Support Family-School Collaboration Valuing all families; Effective outreach (e.g., FAST); Culturally competent approaches (e.g.,Lincoln Elementary School, Salt Lake City); Support for family participation (e.g., Keyes for Networking); and Positive interactions with families (e.g., Cleveland Elementary School, Tampa, FL).
Teach Social-Emotional & Problem Solving Skills Teach, model, practice, coach, reinforce, generalize PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) Second step Stop and think “Stop and teach” (George Bailey) Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP) Culturally competent approaches (e.g., Gwen Cartledge) See Safe & Sound See PATHS; Second Step; I Can Problem Solve etc. (Appendix A)
Provide Positive Behavioral Supports High behavioral standards and strong supports for students and adults to realize these standards; Workable school and classroom behavior plans; Positive behavioral strategies; Supporting appropriate behaviors (e.g., Helping students stay on task); and Teaching and modeling skills.
Sugai & Horner, 2000
Provide Engaging and Appropriate Instruction High academic standards and strong supports for students and adults to realize these standards; Strong curricula approaches; Strong teaching approaches (e.g., Class-Wide Peer Tutoring); Engaging curricula and teaching; Culturally competent curricula and teaching; Individualization; and Use of multiple modalities (individual, group, experiential, technology, etc.).
Selective Indicated Early Intervention Selective interventions for individuals who is a member of a subgroup of the population whose risk of illness or poor outcomes is above average (e.g., single teenage mothers) Indicated interventions for individuals who exhibit a risk factor or condition that identifies them, individually, as being at high risk for the development of illness or poor outcomes
Early Intervention Models & Examples High Scope Preschool Curriculum Regional Intervention Program (RIP) First Step to Success Primary Mental Health Project Functional Assessment (See Addressing Student Problem Behaviors) Effective Mentoring STEP PACT (Positive Adolescent Choices Training)
I mpact of Combined Selective Intervention Social Development Research Group (Public Schools in Seattle High Crime Areas) Intervention – Teacher training (5 days in service grades 1-6) – Developmentally Appropriate Parent education (grades 1-3, 5-6) – Social competence training for children (grades 1, 6) Impact at age 18 (compared to nonrandomized controls) – Less anti social behavior (Violence/Delinquency: 48%: 60%) Heavy Drinking: 15%: 26% School Misbehavior (p=.02) Commitment to school (p=.03) Attachment to school (p=.006) Academic Achievement (p=.01) – More Hawkins,1999
Intensive Intervention and Treatment Individualized Address multiple risk factors & cross multiple domains Linguistically & culturally competent Child & family driven Intensive & sustained.
Intensive Interventions Wraparound MST Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care Appropriate Medication Management.
Criteria for Selecting Interventions The program must have documented effectiveness and be based on sound theory The program can be easily integrated with existing school practices. The program must have data that demonstrates effectiveness or ineffectiveness with particular student groups. Data must indicate that the program has a positive impact on student achievement. Program developers/sponsors must demonstrate that subscribing schools receive sufficient technical assistance. Program components must focus on promoting positive solutions to behavioral and emotional problems.
Intervention Selection Calculus X Intervention works with Y Students In Z context When you do: a b c
Moving From Research to Practice: Institutionalizing Changes in Structure, Practice, Culture Sustaining System-, Community-, State-wide Efficacy Effectiveness Sustainability Becoming Core & Going to Scale
14 Ingredients of School Improvement (Safe, Successful, & Supportive Schools: Step by Step) Address the needs of your school and community Be strategic and comprehensive Be systemic Don’t do it alone Understand and manage change Build a learning community
14 Ingredients of School Improvement Involve the entire community Value and address diversity Assess and address your strengths and challenges Take time to choose evidence-based programs and practices
14 Ingredients of School Improvement Build capacity Employ Data Evaluate outcomes Focus on the long haul.