3/26/10 Key changes or connections to sustain after the grant Teachers: b/c they stay, students move. Students/employers: b/c need feedback. Community and gov’t: b/c they serve the community. W/in academia: Women organizations. W/in academia: Courses that use computing -- e.g., multimedia, game development, journalism. Caveat: Don’t break what already works.
3/26/10 What activities are formalizing changes and relationships Social networking -- facebook, linked-in. Outreach to other disciplines, bio,linguistics, arts, literature. Pedagogy: exciting problems & problems that appeal to underserverd. Pedagogy: teaching approaches that appeal. CS as a tool/service for other disciplines (CT). Math department model? Caveat: Pros and cons.
3/26/10 Securing administrative support
3/26/10 How to measure success
3/26/10 Ways the CPATH community or NSF can help Longer term awards. Larger scale efforts. Publicity/marketing -- get the news out to the press. Promote scholarship of teaching CS. Help forge computer science as an identity among pre-college students. Holding projects accountable.
3/26/10 Other ideas, surprises encountered