Core Themes, Objectives, Achievement Indicators, Planning, & Effectiveness Carroll College February 19, 2010 NWCCU Plenary II Nominations for Best Picture 2010
…Avatar Core Themes ⋆ Manifest Academic Excellence ⋆ Embody Catholic Identity ⋆ Integrate Community Life ⋆ Exemplify Stewardship
…District 9 Engaging Constituents on Core Themes Mission Strategic Plan Senior Leadership Strategic Planning Committee Students, Faculty, & Staff Open Forums
…Precious Sampling of Objectives and Associated Indicators of Achievement Manifest Academic Excellence High quality academic programs. Indicator: Articulated and assessed student learning outcomes, SSI/NSSE Satisfaction Embody Catholic Identity Diverse opportunities for spiritual formation. Indicator: Number of events/participants, NSSE items Integrate Community Life Partnerships among faculty and staff to connect student learning. Indicator: Joint faculty/staff course/event participation numbers/events Exemplify Stewardship Stable, increased enrollment. Indicator: Full time, part time, FTEs, headcount
…The Hurt Locker Understanding for Planning, Implementation and Assessment What CLARITY on Core Themes, Objectives and Indicators can do for you… Foster critical and creative discussion Simplify and coordinate activities: planning, resourcing, assessing Caveat #1: the value of what’s left out Caveat #2: in process...
…UP Interrelationships and Synthesis Core Theme Objectives Core Theme Indicators Programs/Service Objectives Resources & Capacity Assessments IMPROVEMENT
…Up in the Air Intra-Institutional Implications for Practice ⋆ How do we select the most meaningful indicators? ⋆ Who should be a part of the selection of indicators? ⋆ How do we ensure indicators are widely understood ? ⋆ Who is responsible for tracking progress?