Tools & Rules Workshop for First Year Engineers
Tools & Rules Workshop Today’s Agenda MyOSU MyDegrees Important policies & deadlines Bookmark important websites Advising appointment logistics & your roadmap etiquette Scheduling your first advising appointment “Homework” for your first advising appointment Questions?
MyOSU Summary of what you can find here: Add/drop classes Pay your bill Blackboard Links to campus involvement opportunities MyDegrees And so much more…
MyDegrees What is the MyDegrees program? Degree Checklist Planner What-if tool Checklist Notes
When do I register? Your registration status and times will be available approximately week three or four for the next term Can be found in MyOSU, under Student Tab, in Registration Tools box Phase 1 versus Phase 2
OSU & COE Deadlines & Policies Course Catalog: Also linked on MyOSU Special way to find Bacc Core classes Academic Calendar Find under “Registration Information” on Homepage of Catalog, also in MyOSU IMPORTANT DEADLINES AND DATES for each term: Classes start, classes end, finals week Add deadlines (Friday of Week 2 with instructor permission) Drop deadlines (Friday of Week 2) Withdraw deadline, S/U deadline (Friday of Week 7)
OSU & COE Grading Policies What does S/U mean? Literally: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading, versus A-F grading C- or better will get you the “S”, lower than that will give you an “U” and you will not get credit for that class Neither the “S” nor the “U” impact GPA You can NOT S/U any classes required for your major, usually only Bacc Core classes that are not also required for your major You need a signed form from your advisor to S/U a class – this must be turned into the Registrar’s office by 4:45pm on Friday of Wk 7
OSU & COE Grading Policies ‘C’ policy in Engineering versus OSU Every class must be passed with a C or higher, except for the Baccalaureate Core that isn’t double counted in the major Re-Take Policy: Second graded attempt is what sticks in your GPA calculation Retaking a class to replace the grade for your GPA only works if you took the class both times at OSU CAVEAT: For pro-school application GPA factoring the College of Engineering will use the second graded attempt no matter where you took the class A course may not be repeated on an S/U basis if it was taken previously on an A-F grade basis
OSU First Year Home Page Advising Weekly Advising Tips Academic Advising Syllabus First-Year Skills Requirement in the Bacc Core Getting Involved List of clubs across campus Events on campus On-Campus living resources
Helpful Websites to Bookmark Online Schedule of Classes First Year Engineer webpage - year-engineer year-engineer COE Advising Information and GPA calculator Engineering Computing Support Click on the Helpdesk quicklink for their location & hours OSU Alert Home Page –
Etiquette What is wrong with this ?
Etiquette What is done well in this ?
Etiquette What makes a good ? Use your OSU – ONID/gmail Include a Subject Start with salutation Use appropriate title Well written Closing Include name and OSU ID number Many people across campus will/cannot reply to non-OSU addresses. Check Your ONID D.A.I.L.Y.
Weeks 3 – 9 Registration for Freshmen begins Week 9/10 The more credits you have already completed the earlier you get to register You will need to have an advising appointment before you can register Open your Fall Schedule to ensure you schedule your appointment during an open time MyOSU Student Tab Registration Add/Drop Class Schedule by Day/Time Find your advisor’s calendar on the First Year Engineering Website and schedule an appointment!First Year Engineering Website Scheduling Your First Advising Appointment
Advisor/Advisee Responsibilities Add Image 14
Advising Appointment Logistics & Roadmap to Success Being prepared for your advising appointment Be on time If you need to cancel go back into the calendar and click the ‘x’ Check in on the iPad in the College of Engineering Student Services Office (Batcheller 151) Come prepared with your homework completed (good faith effort) Bring any questions you have Advising appointments are 30 minutes so schedule your appointment when you have time to be there for the full 30 minutes Using the Roadmap to Success When do you have advising appointments this year? What if you need to drop in with a “quick question”? Walk-In advising is offered between 4:00 and 4:30, Monday through Friday. Come to Batcheller 151 to check in.
Roadmap to Success
Class Plan in MyDegrees Planner for Winter term Utilize the Academic Plan for your major and the Online Schedule of Classes to develop your plan for winter term classes Be thoughtful – the academic plans online are generic and adjust accordingly for YOU and where you are in things, what you have already taken, etc. This isn’t set in stone, doesn’t have to be perfect, advisor will review with you and help you fix in your appointment, but you must at least attempt it. Due Date: your first scheduled advising appointment Homework
Have a great fall term!!