LP-Based Parameterized Algorithms for Separation Problems D. Lokshtanov, N.S. Narayanaswamy V. Raman, M.S. Ramanujan S. Saurabh
Message of this talk
Results (Above LP) Multiway Cut (Above LP) Vertex Cover Almost 2-SAT Odd Cycle Transversal
How does one get a 4 k-LP algorithm? Branching: on both sides k-LP decreases by at least ½. How to improve? Decrease k-LP more.
Multiway Cut
Vertex Cover
Almost 2-SAT
Odd Cycle Transversal
Vertex Cover
Vertex Cover Above LP
Odd Cycle Transversal Almost 2-Sat xy z xy z
Almost 2-SAT Vertex Cover/t-LP
Nemhauser Trotter Theorem
Nemhauser Trotter Proof
Reduction Rule If exists optimal LP solution that sets x v to 1, then exists optimal vertex cover that selects v. Remove v from G and decrease t by 1. Correctness follows from Nemhauser Trotter Polynomial time by LP solving.
Branching - Analysis Caveat: The reduction does not increase the measure!
Moral Can we do better?
Surplus and Reductions If «all ½» is the unique LP optimum then surplus(I) > 0 for all independent sets. Can we say anything meaningful for independent sets of surplus 1? 2? k?
Surplus Branching Lemma Let I be an independent set in G with minimum surplus. There exists an optimal vertex cover C that either contains I or avoids I.
Surplus Branching Lemma Proof IN(I) R
Branching Rule
Branching Rule Analysis Cont’d
Branching Summary
Reducing Surplus 1 sets. Lemma: If surplus(I) = 1, I has minimum surplus and N(I) is not independent then there exists an optimum vertex cover containing N(I). I N(I) R
Reducing Surplus 1 sets. Reduction Rule: If surplus(I) = 1, I has minimum surplus and N(I) is independent then solve (G’,t-|I|) where G’ is G with N[I] contracted to a single vertex v. I N(I) R
Summary The correctness of these rules were also proved by NT!
Can we do better?
Better OCT?
LP Branching in other cases I believe many more problems should have FPT algorithms by LP-guided branching. What about... (Directed) Feedback Vertex Set, parameterized by solution size k?