IST359: Introduction to DBMS IST359 Fall 2012 Instructor : Yang Wang 342 Hinds M005: 9:30a-10:50a Lecture: Tuesdays Hinds 117 Lab: Thursdays Hinds 010
Acknowledgements and caveat These course materials draw liberally, with permission, from the following sources: IST359 classes taught by Prof. Michael Fudge Jr. IST359 classes taught by Prof. Deborah Nosky Caveat (beware): At best, PowerPoint slides are only a pale imitation of the entirety of a class meeting. In IST359 in particular, the lectures will cover topics beyond what appears in these slides. Don’t rely on them as a substitute for attending class.
Things you should know I stick to the course schedule. Not a fan of late work. Due on day X mean due that day at 9AM I believe in experiential learning. – Introduce Learn Apply I believe in grading transparency
Office hours and getting help Tuesdays/Thursday 11am-12pm at my office, Hinds 342
Weekly course flow WhenWhat You’ll Be doing Before Class Tuesday Review the unit materials on blackboard Study key terms for the in-class quiz In Class Tuesday Take weekly quiz in class (5 questions based on Quizlet terms) Lecture, discussion, demo, and Q&A for week’s topic Before Class Thursday Review lab materials In Lab Thursday Work on the class lab for the week’s topic If not finished in class, it must be completed by the following Tuesday
How are You Evaluated?
Grading Your grade = points you earned / points issued What you earned is what you get, e.g., an 86.9% is a B, not a B+ I won’t curve final grades or round up (or down) your final grades
Accessing course materials All required readings and materials are there (except textbook) Everything you turn in to me is through blackboard Your grades posted there
Technology in the classroom We’re all adults here. So use it at your own peril. Students who give their undivided attention perform the best in this class.
Intro time Name Program/year Why this class and this session What already know about database One adjective to describe yourself