Vocabulary #10 English 11 Honors
1. idolatry (noun) excessive or total adoration; worship of an object
2. garish (adjective) tastelessly gaudy Synonym: showy; flashy
3. immutable (adjective) unchangeable; fixed Synonym: inflexible; unalterable
4. bucolic (adjective) relating to the countryside Synonym: rural; rustic
5. impecunious (adjective) without money; penniless Synonym: destitute; poverty-stricken
6. sedition (noun) rebellion or resistance against the government
7. defile (verb) to pollute; to corrupt Synonym: besmirch; contaminate
8. onus (noun) a responsibility or an obligation that causes worry Synonym: burden
9. impious (adjective) disrespectful towards religion synonyms: irreligious; profane
10. caveat (noun) a warning synonym: a caution
11. adulterate (verb) to make impure; to contaminate synonyms: taint; corrupt
12. emanate (verb) to come forth; to send forth synonym: emerge
13. diadem (noun) a crown
14. redolent (adjective) 1. having a pleasant odor; 2. suggestive or evocative synonym: aromatic
15. gratuitous (adjective) unnecessary or uncalled for synonym: unrequired