Enhancing Adoption Mid- Implementation Ellen Piernot Medical Director for Primary Care and Health Information 11/9/11 HIT Capstone Presentation
30 Medical Clinics 7 Dental Clinics 22 Behavioral Health In 38 locations throughout the state of NM
The diversity of services includes primary medical, dental, behavioral health, children's services, home care, hospice, and senior programs. These programs are delivered by PMS as a result of the organization's ability to respond to the unmet needs of those living throughout New Mexico. In 2007, the per capita income in New Mexico was $31,474, 19% lower than the national average, ranking the state 43rd in the nation. In the same year, approximately 96% of PMS clinic consumers are at or below 200% poverty.
Implementation started 18 months ago in my clinic 10 Medical Clinics remaining The Problem: We have changed a lot of our processes along the way which we are implementing with our new sites, but how do we circle back and get this information to our “live” sites
Honestly– we didn’t have a clear communications, training or post implementation plan so ….
We are attempting to refuel mid flight– and we are not this good by any means
My Plan: – Develop a Communication plan Address preferred medium for communication Delineate a post- go live Needs Assessment Clearly define our Executive Champion
– Develop a Post Go- Live Training Plan Start a weekly “Tip” for EHR maximization Continue to Solicit Feedback on what needs improving with the caveat that all feedback receives a response from the EHR team Vet new ideas through the EHR Provider forum
Develop a Clinical Decision Support Tool – Evaluate what our Vendor (NextGen) offers – Customize where needed – Create a message for providers on why we are doing this and what we hope to accomplish to support Benefits Realization Plan (which I am also working on developing…).