Give a name for this dish
What ingredients do you need to make the dish? jelly powder boiling water evaporated milk
Describe the quantity of the ingredients jelly powder ( mango flavour) boiling water evaporated milk 1 packet of 1 cup of 1 can of
More about quantity words G.E. W.S. LVB p Textbook p
Go back to the dish! The ingredients of making the jelly are.. 1 packet of jelly powder (mango flavor) 1 cup of boiling water 1 can of evaporated milk
When all the ingredients are ready, you can start writing the cooking steps!
Cooking steps! 1. Pour 2. Stir in 3. Add in 4. Mix What? Where should I pour the “hot water” to? a cup of hot boiling water into a bowl the jelly powder a can of evaporated milk all the ingredients how long should I stir ?until it is dissolvedhow should I stir?slowly / graduallyWhat should I use to stir?with a spoon
Cooking steps! 5. Pour 6. Put What? Where should I pour the “mixture” to? Where should I put them? the mixture into the jelly cups the jelly cups into the fridge
Recipe Ingredients: 1 packet of jelly powders (mango flavour) 1 cup of boiling water 1 can of evaporated milk Cooking steps: 1.Pour a cup of hot boiling water into a bowl 2.Stir in the jelly powder until it is dissolved Stir in the jelly powder slowly / gradually (with a spoon) 3. Add in a can of evaporate milk 4.Mix all the ingredients 5.Pour the mixture into the jelly cups 6.Put the jelly cups into the fridge
Can you add a few steps to make the jelly taste better? Cooking steps: 1.Pour a cup of hot boiling water into a bowl 2.Stir in the jelly powder until it is dissolved / Stir in the jelly powder slowly / gradually with a spoon 3. Add in a can of evaporate milk 4.Mix all the ingredients 5.Pour the mixture into the jelly cups 6.Put the jelly cups into the fridge
H.W. Transitivity Analysis
Cooking steps: 1.Pour a cup of hot boiling water into a bowl 2.Stir in the jelly powder until it is dissolved / Stir in the jelly powder slowly / Stir in the jelly powder gradually / Stir in the jelly powder gradually with a spoon Slowly stir in the jelly powder 3. Add in a can of evaporate milk 4.Mix all the ingredients 5.Pour the mixture into the jelly cups 6.Put the jelly cups into the fridge
Reminder ! 1. Pour 2. Stir in 3. Add in 4. Mix What? Where should I pour the “hot water” to? how should I stir? a cup of hot boiling water into a bowl the jelly powder until it is dissolvedhow long should I stir ?slowlyWhat should I use to stir?with a spoon a can of evaporated milk all the ingredients Cooking Verbs (the action verbs) Participants / Things (it answers the question “What”) Circumstance (optional) It gives more information (it answers questions like “How”, “How long”, “Where”, “with what”…etc)