To learn our next subjunctive function, we need to know our terms: indicative vs. subjunctive
Check for understanding: Conjugate the verb “hablar” in the subjunctive mood. Es importante que… Yo hable. Tú hables. Usted/él/ella hable. Nosotros hablemos. Ustedes/ellos(as) hablen.
Now, conjugate “hablar” in the indicative mood. Yo hablo. Tú hablas. Usted/él/ella habla. Nosotros hablamos. Ustedes/ellos(as) hablan.
When we want to express hopes, wishes and desires, we need to use both the indicative and the subjunctive.
Here’s how: The verb that expresses the hope or wish ( desear, esperar, querer ) should be in the indicative, while the verb following que should be in the subjunctive. i.e.: Ella desea que su amigo venga. (indicative) (subjunctive) She wishes that her friend would come.
*But remember: There must be a change of subject for the subjunctive to be used. Use the infinitive and omit que if there is no change of subject. i.e.: Su amigo quiere venir. Her friend wants to come.
In English, we can express wishes in 3 ways: I want her to eat. I hope she eats. I wish she would eat. In Spanish, we use the same 3 verbs to express hopes, wishes, and desires: Querer: to want Esperar: to hope for Desear: to wish
OJALÁ Ojalá has only one form and cannot be conjugated. It can be translated “hopefully” or “I hope.” Ojalá can be used with or without que. Either way, it is used with the subjunctive. Ojalá no haya clase. Ojalá que ella venga pronto. Hopefully there is no class. Hopefully she comes soon.
Summing up: The 4 ways to express hope using subjunctive: 1)Ojalá (que) Or… Any of the following 3 verbs + que : 2) desear 3) esperar 4) querer