The Shape of the Spoon Elizabeth Fiting | Purdue University EDCI: Spring 2015
Description: Title Slide Text: The Shape of the Spoon Graphic: Picture of spoons Narration: “Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.” E.M. Forster
Description: Opening scene in an airport. Typical airport noises are heard. An announcement is made alerting passengers to a delay in a return flight to San Francisco. Sequence ends in an airline lounge, where Todd and Asami run into one another. Text: None Graphics: Airport, airport lounge, Asami and Todd Narration Description: An announcer is heard announcing the delay of a flight. Author-it employees Todd and Asami both go to the Newark Lounge, where they run into each other. They express surprise at seeing one another, and share why they are in New Jersey. Music/Other: Crowd chatter background sound effect
Description: Asami tells Todd about her training experience at OLEM. Told in flashback. Text: Asami’s Story: OLEM Training Graphics: OLEM meeting room Screen images of Cloud connection failure Author-it demo environment Annoyed clients Narration: See Notes section for narration highlights and key points. Music/Other: None
Description: Asami and Todd discuss Asami’s experience at OLEM and what she might have done differently. Text: None Graphics: Airport lounge, Asami and Todd Narration: See Notes for abridged narration. Music/Other: None
Description: Todd tells Asami about his training experience at Bowie Laboratories. Told in flashback. Text: Todd’s Story: Bowie Labs Graphics: Bowie training suite Screen image of Facebook Doug, the distracted student Linda, Doug’s manager Narration: See Notes section for narration highlights and key points. Music/Other: None
Description: Asami and Todd discuss Todd’s experience at Bowie Labs and what he might have done differently. Text: None Graphics: Airport lounge, Asami and Todd Narration: See Notes for abridged narration. Music/Other: None
Description: Asami and Todd taking a closer look at Asami’s experience with OLEM. Text: None Graphics: Airport lounge, Asami and Todd Narration: See Notes section for narration highlights and key points. Music/Other: None
Description: Asami and Todd take a closer look at his experience at Bowie Labs Text: None Graphics: Airport lounge, Asami and Todd Narration: See Notes section for narration highlights and key points. Music/Other: None
Description: Closing scene at the airport. An announcement is made alerting passengers to the fact that boarding for the flight will begin in 15 minutes. Text: None Graphics: Airport, airport lounge, Asami and Todd Narration Description: On hearing the flight announcement, Asami tells Todd that she wants to run to the newsstand for water and snack before boarding. Todd suggests that they collaborate on some recommendations to management to help improve client trainings. Asami agrees, and they part ways. Music/Other: Crowd chatter background sound effect; airplane taking off; outro music.