Created by Christina Dal Santo Speech Language Pathologist with the Albuquerque Public Schools Get/Put
Target Vocabulary Core: Get Put She Fringe: Bowl Ice cream Chocolate Candy Cherry Spoon Happy
Teaching Ideas Teach the target vocabulary first. Before using with your student, preview the book, especially the animations to best support communication opportunities. Read the book together; ask questions that support use of the target vocabulary (the idea is NOT for the student to copy icon sequences). Prompt to use the targets (i.e., “Tell me about the girl/Patty.” or “Tell me what Patty did.” rather than “What did Patty get?”). Skip articles like “the” and “a” until student has mastered the core vocabulary. Look up other words; pivot off the core vocabulary to include fringe (i.e., “Get ice cream” “Put candy on”). Create an event (i.e., make a sundae) and allow the device user to direct others to get the ingredients. Recap the activity to allow students to talk about what they and others used (put/get to make their sundae.
Patty wants an ice cream sundae. Let’s watch her make one!
First, Patty gets a bowl.
Next, she gets the ice cream.
Patty puts the ice cream in the bowl.
Next, Patty gets the chocolate sauce.
Patty puts the chocolate sauce on the ice cream.
Now, Patty gets the candy and the cherries.
Plop! She puts them on top of the chocolate sauce.
Finally, Patty gets the spoon.
Patty gets some ice cream sundae!
Yum! Patty gets happy!
Get Bowl Ice cream Chocolate Cherry Candy Spoon Happy Put Unity® 45 Sequenced She
Get Bowl Ice cream Chocolate Cherry Candy Spoon Happy Put Unity® 60 Sequenced She
Get Bowl Ice cream Chocolate Cherry Candy Spoon Happy Put Unity® 84 Sequenced She
Get Bowl Ice cream Chocolate Cherry Candy Spoon Happy Put Unity® 144 Sequenced She