Let’s get Measuring!
Abbreviations Teaspoon = tsp. or t. Tablespoon = tbsp. or T. Cup = c. Pint = pt. Quart = qt. Pound = lb Ounce = oz Square = sq Minutes = min.
Measuring Tools What are the two ways of measuring ingredients for accuracy? Measuring cups/spoons and weighing. The two types of measuring cups are liquid and dry. The difference is that liquid has a pouring spout. Liquids are measured on a flat surface at eye level.
Measuring Tools The sizes of dry measuring cups are ¼ c, 1/3 c, ½ c, and 1 c. Sizes of measuring spoons are ¼ t, ½ t, 1 t, and 1 T.
Measuring Techniques: Granulated Sugar: scoop into a dry measuring cup, level. Brown Sugar: pack the sugar into a dry measuring cup, level. Shortening: pack down in dry measuring cup or use water displacement. Egg: crack into separate bowl Flour: spoon lightly into dry cup, level. Salt/Seasoning: measure over separate bowl, level.
Equivalents 1 T.= 3 t. 1 c.= 16 T. ¼ c. = 4 T. 1/3 c. = 5 T. + 1 t. 1 c. = 8 fluid oz. 1 T = ½ fluid oz 1 gal. = 4 qt. 1 qt = 2 pt. 1 pt = 2 c. 1 lb. butter = 2 c. 1 stick of butter = ½ c. 16 oz = 1 lb
Kitchen Math Now it is YOUR turn to practice fundamental kitchen math skills! Complete the Equivalents worksheet. Refer to your KEY or the diagram on back to help with this!