Laboratory Safety
1. Follow all instructions carefully.
2. Never do laboratory work unless you are being supervised by your teacher.
3. Always follow the directions given in your lab or by your teacher.
4. Know the location of ALL safety equipment.
5. Always wear SAFETY GEAR, glasses and clothing.
6. Never run, push or engage in horseplay in the lab
7. Never eat or drink in the laboratory, this includes gum and candy!
8. Report any and all accidents, spills, and breakage to the teacher immediately.
9. Always clean your work area and equipment at the end of the lab period
What procedure should you use in the disposal of chemical waste?
Rinse in the sink Empty into the waste jar Wash with soap and water Return equipment
10. Be careful with laboratory glassware
WHERE DO YOU DISCARD BROKEN GLASS? Broken glass container, DO NOT put broken glass in the garbage can!
11. Always read labels and use extreme care when working with chemicals
HOW DO YOU TRANSFER A LIQUID CHEMICAL? Keep test tube in rack or beaker on table when pouring chemicals into them
How do you transfer a dry chemical? Front or back of a spoon Wooden splint Tweezers Gram spoon
b. Never taste a lab substance c. Never touch a lab substance without instruction to do so d. never smell a lab substance without instruction to do so
HOW SHOULD YOU SMELL A CHEMICAL? Use the wafting technique Place your hand above the container and pull the air toward your nose
e. Use materials from labeled containers f. Never mix chemicals unless instructed to do so g. Wear goggles whenever heating chemicals
h. If you spill chemicals on your skin, rinse with water only. Splashed in your eyes, use the eye wash (for 20 mins). Report incident to the teacher! i. Notify the teacher of any chemical spills.