LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 29: 12/6
Administrivia Last homework –out today, due next Monday
Files Use * version of the files for your homework
Homework 8: Japanese Idioms Examples –taroo-ga sensei-ni goma-o sutta –taroo-nom teacher-dat sesame-acc grinded –“John flattered the teacher” –taroo-ga Hanako-ni goma-o sutta –taroo-nom Hanako-dat sesame-acc grinded –“John flattered Mary” –ni = (dat) dative Case marker –odateta is the Japanese counterpart for flattered Basic Instructions: –Implement the examples and the idiomatic translations –submit your modifications to the translator code and example runs
Homework 8: Japanese Idioms Detailed Instructions (A) Implement the Japanese sentences –submit the modified grammar and the predicate-argument output for the Japanese examples –you should obtain both the literal and the idiomatic predicate-argument output –You may use: odateta as the Japanese counterpart for flattered (B) Implement the English gloss sentences –submit the modified grammar and the predicate-argument output for the examples (C) Implement the translation –submit the modified bilingual dictionary and the translator output for the examples –Show your translator works bidirectionally for the examples given
Milestone A programming milestone in this course has been reached… –You know how to program with grammars for multiple languages –Basic technology: finite state automata, regular grammars, regular expressions –We’ve seen additional techniques for implementing a variety of simple syntactic phenomena: basic declarative sentences, English passives, progressives, wh- questions, Japanese passives and wh- questions. –Syntax tree and predicate-argument structure based bi-directional translation engines. Idiom translation.
Today’s Lecture Explore (state-of-the-art) Google Translate
Idioms Example: – 太郎が先生にごまをすった –taroo-ga sensei-ni goma-o sutta –Taroo-NOM teacher-DAT sesame-ACC grind+PAST –Taroo flattered the teacher case particles -ga が -o を -ni に Note on input methods (MacOS X)
医者がさじを投げる –isha-ga saji-o nageru –doctor-NOM spoon-ACC throw+PRES –Idiom “gave up” / “threw a spoon” –(note Japanese allows pro-Drop: –here – the subject of the sentence is covert – – i.e. not mentioned here) Idioms Examples: – ジョン がバケツを蹴った –John-ga baketsu-o kicked –John-NOM bucket-ACC kick+PAST –Literal “John kicked the bucket”
101 Japanese Idioms Listen & Learn: 101 Japanese Idioms Michael MaynardListen & Learn: 101 Japanese Idioms Michael Maynard Sample pages from book is available online
Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり )
Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり )
Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり ) you have to figure out how to enter Japanese examples... you can use an online Japanese dictionary e.g.
Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり )
Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) gomasuri ( ごますり ) => Carney Snapshot is from 2008
Sesame grinding: gomasuri ( ごますり ) Snapshot is from 2010