Bell Work 10/17/14 Write the question, answer, and JUSTIFY!
Bell Work 10/17/14 2 Write the question, answer, and JUSTIFY!
Bell Work 10/17/14
Vocabulary Quiz 1.___measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object 2.___anything that has mass and takes up space 3.___tendency of an object to resist change 4.___the amount of matter in a given space or volume 5.___the type of matter that makes up the object and the way the matter is arranged A – Weight B – Inertia C – Density D – Matter E - Composition
Vocabulary Quiz Answers 1.__A_measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object 2._D__anything that has mass and takes up space 3._B__tendency of an object to resist change 4._C__the amount of matter in a given space or volume 5.__E_the type of matter that makes up the object and the way the matter is arranged A – Weight B – Inertia C – Density D – Matter E - Composition
Student Learning Objectives: SPI – Recognize that all matter consists of atoms. What makes up all Matter? SPI – Identify the common outcome of all chemical changes. What is the common outcome of all chemical changes? SPI – Compare the particle arrangement and type of particle motion associated with different states of matter. How do I compare the particles in a solid, liquid and gas? SPI – Interpret the results of an investigation to determine whether a physical or chemical change has occurred. How can I discover if a physical or chemical change has occurred? #TOC: #42. Layering Liquids # 43. White Before Your Eyes Lab HAND OUT STUDY GUIDE!
#42. Layering Liquids Demonstration There are five liquids in the water bottles. Each liquid has a different density. The order of the layers shows the order of increasing densities. Is the densest layer on bottom or on top? Does it matter in which order the liquids are added? Materials: BeakerShampoo Water bottleWater Maple syrupCorn oil Dish detergent Discuss with Your Elbow partner!
#43.White Before Your Eyes! Procedure: 1 1 Copy table 1 and 2 onto your paper. Be sure to leave enough room in each box to write down your observations. Before you start the lab, put on your safety goggles. 2 2 Look at the coffee filters holding the cornstarch. Record your observations about its appearance, such as color and texture, into the column titled “unmixed” on table 1. Repeat this step for the baking powder and the baking soda and record your observations on table 1 under the “unmixed” column. 3 3 Use the spoon to put a small amount of cornstarch (about ¼ of the spoon) into the petri dishes. Use the eyedropper to add about drops of water to the cornstarch in the first egg crate. Stir the mixture with the stirring rod. Record your observations on table 1 under “mixed with water.” 4 4 Use a clean dropper to add 20 drops of vinegar to the cornstarch in the second egg crate Stir. Record your observations in table 1 under the “mixed with vinegar” column. Clean your stirring rod. 5 5 Repeat steps 2 – 4 using the baking soda and the baking powder.
Table 2Mixed with WaterMixed with Vinegar Changes and Properties ChangePropertyChangeProperty Cornstarch Baking Soda Baking Powder Table 1Observations SubstanceUnmixedMixed with Water Mixed with Vinegar Cornstarch Baking Soda Baking Powder
Analysis: 6 6 What physical properties do all three substances have in common? 7 7 In table 2, write what type of change you observed, and state the property that the change demonstrates. 8 8 predict what type of change you think would occur with the following: a. a. sugar and vinegar b. b. salt and water c. c. Alka-Seltzer and vinegar
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