Made by Javier Sierra, 1º ESO B
INGREDIENTS 250 grams of flour 250 grams of flour Salt Salt Yeast Yeast Sugar Sugar Oil Oil 2 eggs 2 eggs 1 glass of cold milk 1 glass of cold milk Syrup(taste you want) Syrup(taste you want)
Cooking utensils 1 dessert spoon 1 dessert spoon 1 soup spoon 1 soup spoon A griddle A griddle 1 plate 1 plate A pitcher A pitcher A spatula A spatula And now, lets start!
1st pass 1st pass First mix in a plate the flour with the salt and the yeast. First mix in a plate the flour with the salt and the yeast.
2nd pass 2nd pass In a plate beat the eggs.Add to them the milk and the oil (1 soup spoon).In the liquid add the mixture of yeast, salt and the flour. In a plate beat the eggs.Add to them the milk and the oil (1 soup spoon).In the liquid add the mixture of yeast, salt and the flour.
3rd pass 3rd pass Beat the mixture slowly and only a bit. It´s not matter if there is lumps: they will disolve when you put the mixture on the griddle. Beat the mixture slowly and only a bit. It´s not matter if there is lumps: they will disolve when you put the mixture on the griddle. It will looks like that! ↓
4th pass 4th pass Finally place the mixture in the griddle and wait for when it prepared. When you prepared it and you add the syrup, it´s ready to eat! Finally place the mixture in the griddle and wait for when it prepared. When you prepared it and you add the syrup, it´s ready to eat! MMMMMMMH…!