What is rhyming? A rhyme is - identity in sound of some part, esp. the end, of words or lines of verse. In other words, a rhyme is when two words sound alike at the end
Examples of Rhyming Moon and Spoon Mouse and House Frog and Dog Suit and Fruit Example Video of Rhyming
Snake and the Missing Cake Hello! My name is Snake. I seem to have lost my cake. Can you help me on my quest? By finding words that rhyme I’m sure my cake will appear in no time!
Which picture below rhymes with the picture above?
Sorry! That does not rhyme with rock! Back to picture
That’s correct! Next picture
Which picture to the right rhymes with the picture on the left?
What picture on the right rhymes with the picture on the left?
Correct! Next
Sorry! That does not rhyme with snow! Back to picture
Sorry! That does not rhyme with bear! Back to picture
That’s right! Next
Which picture below rhymes with the picture above?
That’s correct! Next
Sorry! That word does not rhyme with bee! Back to the picture
Hey look! Another snake! I wonder if he’s seen my cake… I do remember seeing a cake somewhere. Just go past the rock and follow the bee. He should know where your cake will be! Next
Can you lead me to my cake? Sure Mr. Snake. Just tell me which picture rhymes with cake.
Sorry! That does not rhyme with cake! Back to picture
Hooray! Lake does rhyme with cake! Next page
Thanks for helping find my cake! This whole time it was by the lake! If you enjoyed the game and would like to play again, click here!click here! Click to end show
references com/browse/rhymehttp://dictionary.reference. com/browse/rhyme atch?v=H0Y-RdhjK00http:// atch?v=H0Y-RdhjK00