Team Anglers Avenue “Double Divers”
Team Anglers Avenue Overview Types of Divers Deeper Divers Slide Divers Torpedo Divers “NEW” When to use them Time of day Type of bite Shallow vs Deep water Different setups Mix and match Fish targeted?
Team Anglers Avenue Types Fish Hawk Deeper Divers 124mm on Powerpro Sometimes using 107 weight in 124 housing 124mm on wire diver Slide divers Mono Torpedoes Straight behind the back of the boat as a “center rod” NEW diver for super deep presentation
Team Anglers Avenue When First light Easy to set, get in the water quickly Fish typically more aggressive Rough Water Fish typically not boat shy Like added action on the bait Hard to run multiple boards Not bright sunshine Stealth not as important Trying to target specific depth of water Ability to spread baits out horizontally while targeting same depth down Trying to target different depth of water Different temps/species
Team Anglers Avenue Shallow Water or high in column Slide Divers are a great tool! Set on outside of weight block to maximize stealth Longer leads behind the diver Spoons/PLUGS or six packs with a spoon near harbor Use hand pulls to count how far out the lead behind the diver Inside mono diver Set at 1 1/2 Stealth not as important Almost always a spoon attached Torpedo Center Rod
Team Anglers Avenue Deeper in Column Power pro divers 124mm Deeper Diver, sometimes with 107 weight Set at 3 ½ to increase stealth and get further away from boat Rides higher in the water column at same amount of line out Wire Divers 124mm Set at 1 ½ Runs deeper and closer to the boat Bait selection Meat Rigs: SPINDOCTORS 10 INCH Meat Rigs: John King 13 inch fish flasher Standard 8 inch flashers and flies