Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Station 1
Making Chocolate Cake Recipe for Chocolate Cake: 200g dark chocolate, chopped 250g butter, chopped 100 g self-raising flour 100 g plain flour 150 gram caster sugar 4 eggs (1 egg is about 75 gram) 100 ml whipping cream or buttermilk (50 ml is about 50 g) 5 table spoon cocoa powder ( one table spoon is about 10 g). Question 1: What is the total mass of this chocolate cake?____ Question 2: If I want to bake a cake of 625 g, how much of the ingredients would I need? Ingredients Quantity (in grams) Station 1
Station 2
chocolate chip cookies 180g unsalted butter, softened ¾ cup (120g) brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs ( 1 egg is about 75 gram) 2 cups (300g) plain (all-purpose) flour, sifted 1 teaspoon baking powder, sifted 150g dark chocolate, chopped Makes 12. Station 3 Task: Make the cookies to serve 18 people.
Station 4 Hands on activity Teaspoons Use a small teaspoon and double the quantity. How many milligrams is that? Use the small teaspoon then use the big one and add them together. How many milligrams is that? Measuring Jug What is the capacity of the jug? (How much it can hold): Measure 25 ml of water accurately Fill ¼ of the jug (show your teacher) Fill ½ of the jug (show your teacher) Fill ¾ of the jug (show your teacher)
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