Anticipatory Set Discuss the following question with your neighbor: Would you rather have your parents & teachers let you do whatever you want to do or to have strict rules and enforce them? Why do you think newly independent countries have so many problems?
Conflicts in the Middle East In groups of 3-4 use your note/textbook to answer the following questions: Since gaining independence, why have the nations of Central Asia struggled economically? Why have many regional wars been fought in Central Asia? During the 1800s, why did Britain want to gain control over Afghanistan? Why did Russia want control over this region? Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan in 1979? How did rule by the Taliban affect Afghanistan? How did the US help to defeat the Taliban?
Conflicts in the Middle East Since gaining independence, why have the nations of Central Asia struggled economically? They relied heavily on the SU for economic aid; SU converted farmland to produce cash crops Why have many regional wars been fought in Central Asia? Ethnic and religious rivalries were kept in check under the SU but erupted into wars after the SU left During the 1800s, why did Britain want to gain control over Afghanistan? Why did Russia want control over this region? GB wanted to use it as a buffer to protect its colony of India; Russia wanted access to the Indian Ocean through Afghanistan Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan in 1979? To support the gov’t they had established and help defend it against rebel mujahideen How did rule by the Taliban affect Afghanistan? Brought order and got rid of corruption and promoted business growth; very conservative and suppressed women How did the US help to defeat the Taliban? Bombing military installations; used ground troops to support anti-Talibn forces