Discovery on the Cheap
Steve Thompson Disclaimer The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not reflect the views, opinions, policy or position of the Oklahoma Dept. of Environmental Quality
Set the Stage All final paper documents are retained in Central Records Users do not have admin rights on their PCs ODEQ uses MS Exchange for E-Mail Oklahoma Retains E-Mail forever and ever and ever and ever
Discovery / Open Records Act Paper Electronic Documents (and data bases) E-Mail Phone Messages Social Media Personal Phones, PCs, Flash Drives, etc. Disaster Recovery Tapes
Discovery / Open Records Act Paper All final paper records are retained in Central Records (not drafts or working documents) Central Records personnel do the searches and copy or scan the results Very large requests are sent to scanning vendors
Discovery / Open Records Act Paper E-Documents E-Documents are created and maintained on network drives (not PCs) IT personnel perform the searches based on keywords agreed upon by the attorneys Software used; DT Search, Windows Search, Nessus
Discovery / Open Records Act Paper E-Documents E-Mail Exchange Journaling is used to capture all e-mail to and from the server. Premirus-Edoctus is used as the query tool * Attorneys do all e-mail discovery searches * External hard drives and flash drives are used to transfer e-mails
Contact Info Roy Walker Information Systems Administrator Department of Environmental Quality 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Office: 405.702.0192 / Cell: 405.388.3806