Unit 8 – Arrival in Canada SECTION 7
Introduction William of Orange had just taken over the thrown of England The previous king, King James had fled to France and joined the army King William joins the league of Augsburg against France
Introduction King William and Britain were protestant King James and France were Catholic This also contributed to the reasons to fight in the new world
Allies English AlliesFrench Allies Great britainSpanish IroquoisAbenaki MuscogeePennacook ChickasawCaughnawaga Mohawk YamaseeChoctaw British AmericaTimucua Apalachee Natchez New France Many Indian Tribes sided with European colonies because the Europeans promised they would help them fight their native enemies. The Europeans also promised land and other items
War Begins French and English colonists already despised each other before King James’s exile In June 1689 several hundred Indians under French command attacked the British city of Dover This would start a 9 year war
War Begins The English attacked Acadia and captured it The French rallied under Count de Frontenac He sent out 3 war parties in 1690
War begins The first party destroyed Schenectady The second burned the settlement of salmon falls The third forced Fort Loyal to surrender
War under Way Most battles by both sides were surprise attacks by Indians which were led by British or French leaders Most battles were small skirmishes and didn’t last long The French and their Indian allies won the most land and battles
War at its End The war was finally ended in 1697 with the treaty of Ryswick A status quo ante bellum was established Peace didn’t last long and 5 years later another war had begun
Queen Anne's War The Queen Anne’s War was the N. American war of the Spanish Succession It Started in 1702 and ended in 1713 It ended with the treaty of Utrecht
Queen Anne's War They fought on 3 fronts English fought with the French in Acadia Spanish fought the English in Florida French battled with the English in Newfoundland
Acadia Port Royal was the Centre of Nova Scotia it gave control of the rich fishing waters of the Grand Banks In 1704 the Major Benjamin Church of the British created a blockade of Port Royal but later left for Boston
Acadia A second and third attempt at Port Royal both failed Daniel d’Auger de Subercase defended port Royal from John March and Colonel Francis Wainwright
Acadia On the 4 th attempt British attacked on September They attacked with 36 ships and 2000 men The French lasted 8 days but then surrendered to the power of Britain This ended French rule of Acadia
Spanish and English war The war was fought in Florida and Carolina Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville new that control of the Mississippi would greatly help trade This land was controlled by the English
Spanish and English War Iberville convinced the Spanish to arm some Indians and make an attack on the English The English received warning and met them at flint river and wiped 500 Spanish led Indians
Spanish and English war The war was now under way The English countered under governor Moore with 500 English and 300 Indians They attacked St. Augustine and burnt it to the ground They were unable to take the main fortress and were sent back by Spanish from Havana
Spanish and English war The Apalachee and Timucua indians were wiped out by Moore These raids were known as the Apalachee Massacre
English battle for Newfoundland John Leake attacked several small towns but did not attack the French fortress Plaisance in 1705 Daniel d’Auger de Subercase attacked some English settlement and unsuccessfully besieged fort William
In 1706 the English sent a fleet of ships that destroyed French fishing posts In 1708 the French Canadians, and Mi'kmaq captured fort St. john but later abandoned it English battle for Newfoundland
Peace again After all the fighting another treaty was signed The treaty of Utrecht was signed in 1713 The British gained Acadia, Newfoundland and the Hudson bay region
Peace again The French remained in control of all the islands in the gulf of saint Lawrence and held rights to fish in the area and to dry fish on the northern shore of Newfoundland Although another treaty was signed there was still war in the future for England and France
Fortress of Louisburg After the treaty was signed the French wanted to make sure they were defended from attacks further inland The fortress of Louisburg was built to prevent the British from attacking by ship down the St. Lawrence
Fortress of Louisburg The French's new fortress was poorly built It took over 20 years to build and the massive walls could easily be destroyed by the British's modern canons the fortress was also built in the wrong spot. It was not built on a hill but surrounding hills could easily attack it