BELLWORK MARCH10TH Add the following vocabulary to your Essential Vocabulary List: Antebellum- period before Civil War Abolitionist- people who were against slavery. Secession- withdrawal from an organization 2
FAILURE TO COMPROMISE Missouri Comp. “delayed” the problem. Comp. of 1850 failed California would be free state In return, South got Fugitive Slave Act Enraged and solidified Northern Abolitionists
FAILURE TO COMPROMISE Fugitive Slave Act allowed any and all blacks to be “returned” to slavery. Many free blacks were abducted “illegally” South (J.C. Calhoun, SC) hoped it would solidify States’ Rights. Northerners actively fought it.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) Harriet Beecher Stowe: daughter of abolitionist minister Wrote novel to show the evils of slavery. Ended a common feeling in the North that slavery wasn’t that bad. Made slavery a national, moral problem. Enraged Southerners
KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT In 1854, U.S. attempted to bring in Kansas and Nebraska South fought the idea that 2 free states would be added Senate decided to allow “popular vote” to decide No more Missouri Compromise!!!
BLEEDING KANSAS (1855-) After the K-N Act, 1,000s of “settlers” flooded to Kansas. Missourians crossed boarder to vote “illegally” in ,000 residents of the territory; 8,000+ votes. Jayhawkers (anti-slavery) fought Bushwhackers (pro-slavery) in a violent guerrilla war. Atrocities were common.
DRED SCOTT DECISION (1857) Scott was a slave who had been taken to live in Illinois and Wisconsin (free states) He sued his master for freedom b/c they had lived in a free state. Court chose in favor of slavery. They said: Scott couldn’t sue anyone. Said that slaves were legal property, and had no rights
JOHN BROWN ( ) Born in CT, failed at most things in life (especially finance) Took the cause of abolition to extremes. Aided slaves in escaping Gave land to former slaves (not always his own) Fought in Bleeding Kansas with his sons (murdered 5 unarmed men) Fighting there inspired him to “lead a war against slavery”
John Brown’s Raid In 1859, led a band of fugitive slaves in an attack on Harper’s Ferry, VA. Though unsuccessful, it was highly publicized. Robert E. Lee was sent by U.S. Gov. to end the fighting. Hanged for treason 12/2/1859. Mourned in the North, hated in the South
1860 ELECTION New Northern, anti-slavery party: Republicans chose Abraham Lincoln. Senator from Illinois, born in KY. Strongly criticized slavery during debates. Democratic party was divided b/w North and South. As soon as Abe was elected, Secession talks REALLY began…
DIVISION, AND THE ROAD TO WAR Youtube video: om/watch?v=6d4o2F7f Ixg om/watch?v=6d4o2F7f Ixg The slavery video segment begins at 20:15, and ends at 29:53. The Road to War segment begins at 29:53.