Social Studies Dictionary
He was the prince of Portugal who supported navigation for his country. He built a navigation school to advance new sailing technologies and practices. Prince Henry the Navigator: navigation school: Christopher Columbus: sailing. Prince Henry the Navigator found new ways to help people sail across the ocean(ships,telescope).
A navigator sent by Spain to find a western route to India. He discovered the New World by landing in the Bahamas. Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in Christopher Columbus: Spain: Caraval:Prince Henry the Navigator
A place settled by convicts or prisoners; British settled one in Australia. The British used colonial North America as a penal colony. Alcatraz: Penal Colony: Penal Colony:Australlia.
( ) Caused by the rise of militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. Germany caused lots of damage to other countries. Germany:Militarism:Allied powers: Alliances
Great Britain,France,Russia,andUnited States fought against the Central Powers in WW1. The allied powers were countries that helped each other in battle. Allied powers :France: Central Powers: Germany.
Austria-Hungary,Germany,and Ottoman Empire fought against the Allied Powers in WW1. Over time the Allied Powers won the war. Central Powers: Austria-Hungary::Allied Powers: won WW1.
This war was fought in 1917 by the Russian people in order to change Russia’s government. The people were angry with Czar Nicholas the 2’s government with not providing enough food and jobs. The Russian people were so furious that they wanted to kill the Czar. Russian people: mad::Czar :killed
The peace treaty that the Allied Powers forced Germany to sign in 1919, officially ending in WW1.It also set the stage for WW2. Germany had to pay the Allied Powers large sums of money. Germany: debt::Treaty of Versailles: set the stage for WW2
The practice of the political party led by Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler persuaded the German people to take his side. Adolf Hitler: runs the government::Vladimir Lenin: Got kick out of office
( )Caused by the desire of the Germans,Italians,and Japanese to expand their countries into full empires. This was the war that was fought before the Cold War. WW2:Cold War:: Cold War: No winner
Germany, Italy and Japan that fought against the Allies in WW2. The Axis Powers did not believe in the same thing the Allied Powers did. Axis Powers: Italy::Central P0wers:Germany
Great Britain,France,Soviet Union, and the United States that fought against Axis Powers in WW2. The Allies fought together in WW2. Axis Powers:WW2::Allies: fought Axis Powers
Systematic mass murder of European Jews, Gypsies and other groups carried out by the Nazis during WW2. A book was written about a girl named Ann Frank,she was alive during the Holocaust. The Holocaust: Ann Frank::Systematic mass murder: Holocaust
The international killing of a particular racial,political,or religious group. Adolf Hitler has committed Genocide to almost 6 million Jews. Adolf Hitler:Commiting crime::Genocide: A serious crime
Hatred of the Jewish People. Adolf Hitler hated the Jewish religion and race. Adolf Hitler:Anti-Semitism::Anti- Semitism: Caused the killing of millions of Jews
Beginning in the late 1940’s and ending in the late 1980’s between the US and Soviet Union. They competed for world influence without actually fighting. The US and the Soviet Union did not use weapons in this war. Cold War: no winner::Nuclear Weapons: Cold War
A system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all who need them. In the Soviet Union, a small political party controlled all the factors of production and made decisions about what was going to be produced, how it was produced,and who would receive them. Adolf Hitler ran this government and controlled everyone. Vladimir Lenin: Old communism leader::Adolf Hitler :New communist leader
The United States and Soviet Union were the world’s most powerful nations after WW2. These two countries worked together,they were alliances. United States: Superpower::Soviet Union: Russia
North Atlantic Treaty Orginazation;The U.S and other Western European countries formed NATO to respond to possible attacks by the Soviet Union. Each nation in NATO believed the Soviet Union would not attack western Europe if the U.S would launch nuclear war in return. NATO:alliances::Warsaw Pact: Communism
An alliance of the Soviet Union and its communist satellite nations which was formed to counter NATO;It was an anti-western military alliance. Germany was the leading country of the Warsaw Pact. Germany: leader::Communism: Trying to take over
The imaginary line that separated Communist Eastern Europe from Democratic Western Europe. Eastern Europe has been controlled and tortured. Eastern Europe: could not make decisions::Western Europe: Free to speak
Former name of Russia and other communist countries ;broke up in The communist group broke up and Eastern Europe was free to see their family members that were in Western Europe. Eastern Europe: Free now::Western Europe: gets to see their families
Wall in Germany that separated East and West Berlin from The Berlin wall was knocked down in West Berlin: free::East Berlin: Were controlled by their government
Making something whole that has been split into pieces. After the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1990,Germans voted to make the countries of East Germany and West Germany one country: Germany. People rejoiced because they were reunited with their families. Reunifucation:Reunited ::people: rejoiced