By Boyer’s and Tilicki’s Classes
Outstanding Exhilarating Breathtaking Depressing Tragic
B Revolutionary War – Mr. Arabus fought in the war B There was a big meeting in Philadelphia to write the constitution for our new country R June 16, 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill major battle in the war R December 25 – George Washington Crossed the Delaware – this might be where Daniel’s father helped him cross R 1783 – Treaty of Paris ended the war and Daniel and his mom are probably free
George Washington helped in the Revolutionary War. Made Daniel’s father free because his father fought in the war. He later became the first president of the United States.
We think you should read this book because it gives an enormous amount of information about how a slave ran free, how it was extremely difficult, and how America became a country. It was so good we didn’t want to put it down ever – we would have read all afternoon. Even though we couldn’t relate to what was happening, we could feel how wrong it was.
Page 187: “I couldn’t go back on a promise from a dying man.” This quote shows that Daniel really cares about what he is doing. Dr. Johnson was in a conference with Captain Ivers and Daniel could have just run but he was mature and brave. He stood up for what was right.
Our favorite character was Daniel Arabus. He made a promise to Mr. Featherscraft and never broke it – he was loyal and respectful. He was young and still tried to save Mr. Featherscraft – he was trustworthy At the end when Captain Ivers was there, Daniel was brave and stood up to his former master.
They didn’t have cars in the late 1700s, they used stage coaches. There were slaves before America was a country and after. Our country fought with the British in the Revolutionary War. There were no presidents when people came to America. George Washington really fought in the Revolutionary War and he even crossed the Delaware River.
My Brother Sam is Dead Chipper The Clock Me and Billy My Bloody Country Jazz the American Saga Abraham Lincoln You Never Knew
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