Hannibal vs. Rome
“Great Carthage made war three times. After the first, she was powerful. After the second, she was rich. After the third no one knew where Great Carthage had been” ▪ Bertolt Brecht
There were three wars between Rome and Carthage. These were called the Punic wars. The wars waged from 265 to 146 BCE. There were times of peace between the wars. During this time Rome was a republic. These were wars of expansion fought between the two largest and most powerful civilizations at the time.
The Punic wars are the most studied ancient wars by scholars and military tacticians. If Rome had not won our world could be very different today. The scale of death and destruction during the wars was not seen again till the First World War. Nearly 50,000 Romans died at Cannae These wars can stand a reminder to the USA about the dangers of over expansion.
What are the major difference between Rome and Carthage? What are their major similarities? Why did they fight this war? What was the importance of Sicily?
265 to 227 BCE. Rome and Carthage occupied about the same amount of territory. A Sicilian city (Messana) asks Rome for help and Rome sends a delegation. Carthage sees this as an act of aggression. This small conflict escalates into a large war. Latin III Stop
A ground war is fought in Sicily. Most of the war is fought in the sea. Rome loses hundreds of ships due to weather but very few in actual battle. Rome wins every ground and naval battle. Rome seeks peace with Carthage but their terms are too harsh and Carthage refuses.
Carthage wins its first land battle against Rome in Northern Africa. Both Rome and Carthage are running out of men, materials and money. Rome builds one last fleet, financed by private citizens. This fleet crushes the last Carthaginian fleet and ends the war.
Rome and Carthage suffer heavy losses of men, materials and money. Their treasuries are empty and a large portion of the young male population has died in battle. Rome gained control of Sicily.