The Romans. The Story of Romulus and Remus.
Mars. Mars the god of war had twin sons.
Romulus. The first son was called Romulus.
Remus. The second son was called Remus.
Amulius. Amulius was their uncle and wanted to be king instead of Romulus or Remus.
The River Tiber. Mars had to run away. Amulius ordered a servant to throw the twins into the River Tiber.
The Servant. But the servant he sent did not want to do this so he put the twins in a basket which floated away down the river.
The Wolf. The basket stopped on the bank of the river. The twins were found by a wolf.
What do you think happened to Romulus and Remus ?
The She-Wolf. She fed and looked after them. When they grew up they made their way back to the city where they were born.
The First Fight. The twins fought their wicked uncle Amulius.
The Second Fight. A great city was built at the place where the basket came to rest, but the twins fought over who would rule this great city.
In the End. Romulus won the fight and the city was named Rome in his honour.