Irregular past participle ending in en, n, ne
Presented by : Adil Al Bedri
Break broke broken يكسر Choose chose chosenيختار Do did doneيعمل Draw drewdrawnيرسم Drivedrovedrivenيسوق Eatateeatenيأكل
Fly flewflownيطير Forgetforgotforgotten ينسى Give gavegiven يعطي Go wentgone يذهب Growgrewgrown ينمو Knowknewknown يعلم
Speak spoke spoken يتكلم Take took taken ياخذ Write wrote written يكتب
Irregular with vowel change become became become يصبح Beginbeganbegun يبدا Comecamecome ياتي Digdugdug يحفر Findfoundfound يجد Getgot got يحصل
Meetmet met يلتقي Light litlit يشعل Read /ri:d / read/ red /read / red / يقرا Runranrun يركض Shine shoneshone تشرق Singsangsung يغني
Irregular with no change Cutcutcut يقطع Hithithit يضرب Hurthurthurt يؤذي Putputput يضع Shutshutshut يغلق
Irregular ending in ought Catchcaughtcaught يمسك Fightfoughtfought يقاتل Buy bought bought يشتري Teachtaughttaught يعلم Thinkthoughtthought يفكر
Irregular ending in t Buildbulitbuilt يبني Feelfeltfelt يشعر Keepkeptkept يحفظ Learnlearntlearnt يتعلم Leaveleftleft يغادر Loselost lost يخسر