GLORIETA PASS By: Nathan Stout
APACHE CANYON & GLORIETA PASS Apache Canyon was actually at one end of Glorieta Pass, and was a much smaller battle. The battle at Apache Canyon was 2 days before the war at Glorieta Pass started. The day following the battle at Apache Canyon, neither side fought.
GLORIETA PASS FOR DUMMIES Glorieta Pass is sometimes called the “Gettysburg of the Southwest”, because it was the decisive battle of the New Mexico Campaign. The North was lead by Commanders Slough and Chivington, the South by Scurry and Pyron. The battle at Glorieta Pass lasted from March 26 to 28, in 1862 at the northern part of New Mexico Territory.
STATS AND STRATEGIES Because Slough and Chivington thought the Confederates would remain at Apache Canyon, they were surprised to find them halfway through the pass. Scurry ordered a few of his men up onto the ridge, where they picked off many of the Union troops. However, Slough managed to flank the enemy troops, and destroy key objectives. The Confederates pushed the Union all the way through the pass, but had to retreat back into Arizona Territory and eventually Texas due to the fact their supplies were destroyed.
(CONTINUED) The North faced 22 casualties at Apache Canyon, and 125 at Glorieta Pass. The South faced 99 casualties at Apache Canyon, and 123 at Glorieta Pass. The South managed to push the North to the end of the pass, but the Union destroyed their supply train, and killed most of their horses and mules, causing the South to retreat.